The Patient

Inside of this oncolgico context, in this scene that if inserts ' ' doena' ' the exaggerations between the living creature and the world that it inhabits, that the creation of such group became necessary. The psychologist Such with the aid of a social assistant, Kelle, had perceived that the patients directed for the House of Support needed to take the rdias of its treatment and to work pain better, the acceptance of the illness and with its companions the possible loss and fear of the new and of the stranger. Receiving for in such a way the patient and its companion with intention to brighten up and to speed the recovery process. The oncolgico patient, perhaps more than any another one, needs this holistic boarding, that is not pleased only with x-ray or chemotherapy sessions, or with surgical attitudes not rare mutilantes times. The stigma of the said illness malignant, the cancer, is a whip beating permanently the thought of the patients and of its companions and the main paper of the therapist is the interaction with the other people’s suffering, in way to the medicamentosas maneuvers. Leaving of this principle, of this necessity, an informal operative group was created objectifying the empoderamento, autonomy of the patient in its proper treatment, becoming it agent of the same. It does not have criteria for election of the participants, the professionals, make to each week a survey of ' ' entradas' ' , of the patients who will be recepcionados by the house of support and they invite them to participate of the group of information that objective the clarification of the illness and the functioning of the house where the patient and even though its companion, will pass good part of its time. Therefore, it does not have fixed number of participants. The regularity of the meeting is weekly with meetings to the Wednesday always to the fifteen hours and thirty minutes (15: 30).


The concept or thought that if had of preservation was restricted, whose proposals were directed and defended only by the capitalist countries with the intention to limit the development of the underdeveloped countries. Such interests produced an image distorted of the call preservation, therefore, any proposal that restricted its activities had as intention to limit the development of its country. These defended that the futures of its native land depended on workmanships whose development harmed the environment. The interest biggest that was in game was the consumption stimulated mainly for the capitalist system of production. Today if it speaks very in a new form of economic development, called sustainable development or auto-supported development, that is gotten when all the natural resources are preserved, that is, a not-predatory development. This new concept of development demands a great change in the behavior and styles of life, in the standard of consumption and production.

Therefore all the areas of the knowledge need to direct its interests for the sustainable development requiring a holistic boarding, to interdisciplinar respecting the differences and conserving identities to live a life without borders, are of orders geographic, cultural, religious and ethnic politics. 2 DIFFICULTY OF PRESERVATION X ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2,1 Difficulty of Preservation Since the sprouting of the man in the land has needed a perfect interaction with same and its constituent elements, and this interaction, mainly as half of survival, became each time more conflicting, associated to the human development and the social growth it consequently allowed to its magnifying to the domain of the elements of the nature and the intensity and extension of the ambient impacts. The human being in all its history of life dominated the resources. This capacity to dominate and to modify the environment using the natural resources in its proper one I benefit is what it distinguishes to them from the excessively animal ones.

Healthy Eating

Third day Breakfast is the same as in the 2-day, add 10 grams of butter (20g), 4-6 walnuts. Lunch: vegetable soup, a salad of fresh vegetables in sunflower oil, steamed vegetables (100 g) bread (stale) – 100 g cottage cheese – 30 g. Dinner: salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers and sunflower oil, cheese (30-50 g). Buttermilk, yogurt and nuts. Remember most important rule exit fasting: it takes many days, how many went on and the very starvation.

At 4-5-day fasting 1st and 2nd day to dilute with water to juices, vegetable broths, herbal broth, small amounts of grated apples, gradually increasing (at 2nd day) of their number. The remaining 3 days – on the above scheme. Another important and very useful tip: eat to slowly, chew food. Here's another quote from the book of Paul Bragg: 'In using raw vegetables and fruit, remember that this is – cleaning products. First, eat them small quantities. List of vegetables is very high. All nuts and seeds are nutritious and tasty. Fresh ground nuts (lightly roasted), almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.

If you eat meat, then no more than 2-3 times a week. But at the slightest malaise quickly return to an alkaline diet. Many signs – weakness, headache, dizziness, the emergence of flies before his eyes, bitter taste in the mouth, physical weakness and mental fatigue. You may think that all the fault of the liver, can throw the fat from your diet and stuff, but it is not enough. You must be excluded from the food sugars and starches.

Muscle Building

Our muscles are strengthened and grow, either during exercise itself, when activated only mechanism adaptation, and when we passively relax – give the body to direct energy to "repair work" to restore the muscles and ligaments and to "strengthen its military positions." This refers to the process of fat burning. The main task of training aimed at reducing body weight – the body set up to receive energy in ordinary daily life is from fat and speed up the metabolism. But, in a state of exhaustion and peretrenerovannosti metabolic rate slows down automatically and inevitably reduced the effectiveness of training, if not reduced to zero. If, after high-intensity training we continue to spend his strength, sufficient sleep, but still in a state of constant nervous tension, it greatly increases the risk of falling into a state of stress. And then of no muscle growth will not have to say – to keep would be that was. Moreover, long nedovosstanovlenie leads primarily to the loss of muscle mass, as it consumes the greatest amount of energy, and energy shortages in the coming will be for the body "Uneconomical". RECREATION: Tactics and strategy Our recovery time needed in the same careful planning, as well as the training process.

There is nothing daunting in it, especially if you know the basic rules of the recovery strategy. Rule 1. Get enough sleep! Textbook eight hours of compulsory sleep – a very conventional figure. Each of us need our sleep for good health. So, in this matter, guided solely by their individual characteristics and needs.