Private Health Insurance

Current conditions of the private CA in 2011 if you are self-employed or freelance work, must ensure independent private also in 2011 from your earnings. Similarly, civil servant, judge or members have this possibility. For workers an income limit must be observed which can change from year to year. 49500 euro insurance limit applies to 2011 gross, which represents a monthly gross income of 4125 euros. This limit is also known as year working pay limit. Under most conditions Gunnar Peterson would agree.

Who is not reached this amount as an employee, remains resident in the statutory health insurance. Which is the best private health insurance? You can’t so just tell which is the best private health insurance. This is always the desired services, the service and especially the concrete life situation of the insured up to. Definitely applies here as well: the cheapest private health insurance is not necessarily the best! Therefore, it is advisable to use the possibilities of the Internet and on a reputable insurance portal free of charge carry insurance in comparison to the private insurance such as there (or in the above paragraph) you should inform himself first once, whether they meet the criteria for the PKV this year at all, and what protection you actually want. In the most prospects are not clear.

Sure want each chief physician treatment, single or twin room and no long wait at the doctor’s Office. For more clarity and thought, follow up with actress and gain more knowledge.. But save you want also. Here, every man for himself must weigh both sides of the coin and make his personal decision. The basic protection is sufficient to choose the standard or even the comprehensive protection of comfort. If it is clear, can be two or three companies can select and from which to create a non-binding offer or alternatively offer a telephone consultation or an on-site appointment by comparing the individual provider. Finally, it comes to your health insurance.

The contribution of development: it is everyone knows, that rise in health care costs from year to year. Therefore an increase in contribution can be ruled out entirely in private health insurance. For this reason passing to 10% of all posts of Privatversicherten a special retirement contribution system, so that in the future the Fund contributions will remain relatively stable or rise only in moderation. Is it possible to return to the statutory health insurance? Because the legislature wants to avoid that benefit at a young age the low contribution of the private KV and avoid increasing contributions through a return to the legal age, a special regulation was taken here as a threshold: A recovery in the statutory health insurance is only possible if your merit not only temporarily falls below the limit of the compulsory insurance. So, it is then valid on the basis of merit certificates to prove that they were throughout the year under the 49500 euro (current border 2011). An exception is unemployment. Those who register unemployed, is in the rule again legally covered by health insurance. Conclusion: For whom is a private insurance make sense?

Because the statutory health insurance as a percentage of the wage or salary calculated their contributions, earners have there correspondingly high contributions to pay. Therefore, a change to the private health insurance pays off for these people. Because the insurance contribution for the private KV strongly depends on the age, especially young people benefit from the advantages of the post. Well deserving singles and childless couples are better off usually at the car.


What’s wrong with the euro on the way to the dominant currency EUR/USD rises above the 1.4300 and marked on Tuesday of a 5-month high at 1,4343. This can grow the European common currency, not on the basis of its own strength, but a continuing US dollar weakness. Currencies like the British pound (GBP) and cyclical currencies with dependence on commodity prices, such as the Canadian dollar (CAD), Australian dollar (AUD) and New Zealand dollar (NZD), grow even more. John H. Moore II may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The origin of the recent dollar weakness is who comments of the Chinese Prime Minister regarding the creditworthiness of the United States in April 2009. The Chinese Central Bank has by far the largest dollar reserves in the amount of approximately US$ 800 billion. Accompanied by a rally in equity markets and rising risk appetite of investors is drained in higher-interest foreign government bonds and emerging economies, such as the BRIC countries (Brazil, capital of the US currency area Russia, India, China).

While the increasing US budget deficit and a possible downgrade of the credit ratings weigh on the US dollar. The spread between 10-year bunds and US notes is currently close to 0%. If the current stock market rally related to the value to be brought to the external value of the US dollar, two figures are particularly interesting. Celebrity trainer gathered all the information. Approximately $ 4 trillion in money market funds are currently parked, which sooner or later want to be invested. If the United States can not dispel the concerns about its creditworthiness, investors will prefer alternatives to US investment, bringing further pressured the US dollar.

US Government bonds in the amount of $ 6 trillion are held outside the United States with private investors and Government institutions such as central banks. Here should start the redeployment in other currency areas, this undoubtedly will bring the dollar under pressure. Speaks against a further U.S. dollar depreciation, that the US Government bond market the most liquid and worldwide by far the Is largest. Foreign investors have no viable alternative. An EU initiative spearheaded by the head of the EU Finance Ministers Jean-Claude Juncker to the creation of a euro-zone-wide market for government bonds was from Berlin torpedoed. In the short term, it is feared higher interest costs, which should be equalised by increasing liquidity of the single market for government bonds in the long term but in Berlin. A fiscal policy with common bonds in the euro zone is missing the European common currency in comparison to their competitors of US dollars, Japanese yen and British pound and would continue the political unification of Europe.

Fast Holistic Rightsecure

Stuttgart presents new BeratungsNavigator Stuttgart, December 15, 2009 just in time for the start to the year 2010 the Stuttgart presents the new BeratungsNavigator their business partners. With this software solution, future sales calls will receive a new dimension: quick, easy, comprehensive and legal security never before it was more convenient to provide customers with an individual and holistic advice. Thanks to the intuitive operation, users with just a few clicks from the identification of needs reaches about the product analysis to offer creation to the optimum pension proposal. A further decisive advantage in addition to the time savings: The sales pitch is extremely simplified. This is ensured by the software-based consultancy documentation that takes essential administrative tasks when at the same time absolute certainty the user.

Building on its predecessor, the Stuttgarter AngebotsSoftware, all well-known and proven basic functionalities were preserved and useful at the new Stuttgart BeratungsNavigator Adds. With a variety of practical, consistently related tools, the new software allows a full acquisition of the customer’s individual life situation and with only a few entries. All customer data is automatically passed from one application to the next; time-consuming duplicate entries belong to the past. A special highlight: The software interface can be adapt at any time to the individual needs and ways of working. Often used tariffs can be stored, for example, directly on the homepage. The Stuttgarter BeratungsNavigator convinces with its clear design and usability.

The three main categories of the computer are prominently highlighted on the home page. Under the item interest analysis”, the Broker selects an application in the sense of a holistic consulting process. Here the individual lives of the customers including captures the existing provision will analyzed gaps and in accordance with the objectives and The customers want a mix of retirement determined. Various incentives and tax optimization calculator are stored under the menu point of consulting tools”. “” By their clear arrangement in the categories of comparison and advantage analysis, bAV-tools”and General tools’, certain consultation tools like the savings calculator can be basic pension” or the benefit calculator to the citizens Relief Act“easy make out. Just as quickly, brokers who would already know the specific needs of their customers and calculate only a concrete offer, arrive at your destination. Under calculator, you find”the familiar, uncluttered subdivision to layers before and immediately reach the known input mask for the selection of the desired tariff. “” “Motto consulting documentation made easy” the administrative obligations can be done in the future almost alone: through predefined fields, such as customer and agent data, consulting opportunity”and customer requirements” or wording AIDS can be quickly and easily create evidence of advice. All data are then provided in a PDF file and can be issued to the customer together with the offer and request as complete, liability-safe package. Thus, the new BeratungsNavigator of the Stuttgart meets all important criteria and wishes in the context of a qualified customer service. He is stringently directed the needs of intermediaries, comprehensive, but easy handle, quickly and legally compliant. How to contact with press releases stock fish. The power of the word Melanie Bredlow Hager Babu road 56 20357 Hamburg Tel.: 040 / 72 00 92 – 12 fax: 040 / 72 00 92 – 29 E-Mail: Stuttgart-based life insurance company contact a.G. Jasmin Callegari Rotebuhlstrasse 120 70197 Stuttgart phone: 0711 / 6 65-1471 fax: 0711 / 6 65-1515 E-Mail: