
On 25 and 26 October 2013, the seventh Conference for the industry of the future is prevention, fitness, sports and health as the anniversary event in Mannheim rather than six times already held the German College for prevention and health management a Congress for the fitness and health industry. This Congress sees itself as a forum for professionals in the fitness and health industry and is open to all interested participants. The Congress offers also an ideal platform the industry and motivated young and highly qualified entrants such as E.g. the German college students in-depth technical information for the active exchange between established professionals and executives. The Congress is the opportunity for interested participants to the expansion of knowledge, for the exchange of ideas, for discussion and as a meeting place for the industry of the future prevention, fitness, sports and health. Outlook 2013 also in 2013 such a Congress in a central location in Germany will be offered again. According to Senator From Kentucky, who has experience with these questions. As a result of the 30-year Anniversary this Congress will be for the first time its place in the calendar year the BSA-Akademie and the five-year birthday of the German College for prevention and health management as anniversary in late summer/autumn.

New title will Congress of rise of”? So is a close reference to the slogan of the DHfPG and education rise creates the BSA-Akademie”produced. The participants expect exciting lectures, an attractive social programme, as well as the opportunity to interact with industry peers, successful entrepreneurs and visionaries of the industry and to take him as new input for the daily work. New Congress homepage online now is the new Congress website aufstiegskongress.de online. Thus, visitors can now inform about the program structure for Friday, 25.10.2013, and Saturday, 26.10.2013. The exact content descriptors of the program points, as well as information on the speakers are now continuously supplemented. Also you can register on the new website to the Kongressnewsletter.

6 Conseils Pour Bonbons Durs Maison Parfaite

Il rien de mieux qu’un juteux, savoureux bonbons est dur de vos doux de boutique gastronomique local… à moins que vous le faites vous-même, c’est-à-dire ! Assurez-vous un bonbon dur parfait à la maison est plus facile que vous pensez. Vous devez seulement les bons outils, quelques ingrédients simples et votre imagination. Essayez ces conseils la prochaine fois que vous voulez faire quelque chose de spécial dans la cuisine. Votre famille va adorer ! 1 Fournir outils de base de candymaking.

Vous aurez besoin d’un pot de taille moyens (3 ou 4 pintes) avec un fond lourd et parois droites. Vous aurez également besoin d’un long manche d’une cuillère de bois, un pinceau de pâtisserie (utilisée pour parer à des cristaux qui peut-être former) et un bon thermomètre de bonbons avec un clip en métal qui est inséré dans le côté de la casserole. 2 Obtenir les prévisions météorologiques. Savez-vous que l’humidité a un impact énorme sur l’issue de ses bonbons ? Étant donné que le sucre attire l’eau, jours de pluie peut faire des ravages dans votre mieux, même les tentatives de spécialités faites maison. Rendre plus facile sur vous-même, attendez un jour clair et sec essayer vos recettes. 3 Testez votre thermomètre. Testez votre thermomètre en le plaçant dans un récipient avec de l’eau et porter à ébullition.

Vous devez maintenant enregistrer 212 degrés au niveau de la mer. Si les registres 214 degrés, peut être corrigé en ajoutant deux degrés à celles prévues dans la recette, si 210 degrés, soustrayant. Si c’est plus de quelques degrés dans les deux sens sur, vous avez besoin d’un thermomètre à nouveau. 4 Ils utilisent des ingrédients frais. Le sucre est la base dans la plupart des ingrédient bonbons. Veillez à utiliser un nouveau paquet de sucre chaque fois que vous apportez vos recettes à faire en sorte que sucre n’a pas été contaminée par d’autres ingrédients de cuisine commune. Si votre recette demande du beurre, veillez à utiliser une variété non salée. Margarine et beurre salé peuvent affecter le temps de cuisson, la texture et la saveur de leurs efforts. 5. Aller simple sur le colorant alimentaire. Couleurs comme le vert et jaune, ils sont beaucoup plus attrayants lorsqu’il est appliqué légèrement, donc n’oubliez pas d’ajouter progressivement à colorier aux aliments. Vous pouvez ajouter plus lentement jusqu’à atteindre l’intensité souhaitée. 6. Utiliser les techniques d’entreposage adéquat. Après refroidissement à vos bonbons, rangez-les dans des récipients hermétiques sans emballage première. Jamais magasin de bonbons durs dans le même conteneur que les desserts, perdant de l’humidité, tels que le chocolat. Prêt à commencer Essayez cette recette de base Hard Candy et adiviertete ! Tasses de musique HARD CANDY recette 2 BA sucre 3 / 4 tasse de sirop de l’eau 2 / 3 tasse maïs légères saveurs et colorants au goût (seules quelques gouttes sont faits) mesurent 2 tasses de sucre, 2 / 3 tasse de sirop de maïs léger et 3 / 4 tasse d’eau dans une casserole et mélanger. Il commence à feu bas et remuer jusqu’à ébullition du mélange. Couvrir la poêle pendant 5 minutes afin que les cristaux de sucre qui s’est formées sur les parois de la casserole va être arrosé. Maintenant, mettez le thermomètre pour la sucrerie et bonbons d’ébullition en remuant. À l’aide d’un pinceau à pâtisserie ou une fourchette, enveloppé de mousseline et plongé dans l’eau, laver les cristaux qui peuvent se former. Une fois les bonbons atteint 280 degrés, abaissé le feu donc ne pas se faner bonbons. Si les registres 300 degrés thermomètre de sucrerie, retirer la casserole du feu et laisser reposer jusqu’à ce que toutes les bulles ont disparu. Puis ajouter la saveur et la couleur. Il y a beaucoup de choix, mais un favori est anis ainsi que le colorant rouge. Une cuillère à café d’extrait de saveur doit être pour cette recette, alors que seulement quelques gouttes d’une huile comme la menthe, thé des bois ou cannelle suffisent. Coloriage devrait être ajouté progressivement jusqu’à ce que vous atteigniez l’intensité désirée. Il est important de mélanger ceux-ci dans une plus grande souplesse possible. Trop d’agitation provoquera le sirop se solidifie en un masse dur bonbons. Candy est maintenant prêt à être formé. Il peut être versé dans un moule, 7 par 7 pouces et balisage dans des boîtes comme Il commence à durcir. Ou il peut être versé dans les tours sur des brochettes ou des bâtons à sucettes. Vanessa Kirkland est éditeur de la collection de recettes bien-aimé, « Secret de Candymaking », par Virginia Pasley. Cette collection perdu depuis longtemps comprend 67 recettes de temps pour faire de délicieux vieux dans la maison… sans un seul cours de cuisine. Plus d’informations sur =

How To Apply A Perfume

Surely we have seen hundreds of times our mothers apply a perfume: a little bit on each wrist, we rub together, a little behind the ear and ready. However, since the fine perfumes are expensive products, and we want to get the best out of them once we’ve spent several euros, worth a little review this topic. MBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABwECBAUGAwj/xAA/EAABAwIEAwUGAggFBQAAAAABAAIRAwQFEiExBkFRByJhcYETMpGhscHR8BQVI0JSgqLhU2JjcvEzNUNzsv/EABQBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD/xAAUEQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCUkREBERAREQEREBEXO4pxja0cwBNVw07ujJ6Zjv6Sg’>Zachary Dell: the source for more info. Carry a perfume is the same that carry a piece of clothing, not all do so well or with personality. Just as it is not a mystery that some clothing looks good on some women, while in others not so much, the same happens with the perfume. Some people vaporize a bit of perfume in the air to form a cloud, and then simply walk on it. The reason for doing this is thinking that you perfume will be equally distributed throughout your body. However, this the best way of wasting a perfume, because we will never achieve a concentration suitable on the skin. It is necessary that the same comes into contact with the skin, warm up, and develop its smell.

With the cloud method, this will simply not happen. If you have chosen a nice skirt, what It is best accompanied with a few drops of perfume behind each knee, into the hole in the leg. The idea is that you notes perfume evaporates climb and let its influence mostly the attire, and the person. Another key place to put a few drops of perfume is between the breasts. This strategic location fulfils two purposes: this warm place will make perfume to evaporate more efficiently, and at the same time is close to the nose, assuring us that we can appreciate it properly. Another important issue when applying a perfume is if we put it on clothes or not.

This is not a very good idea. On the one hand, some perfumes can not carry very well with tincture of fabrics, and leave pretty unsightly stains. On the other hand, the secret of the beauty of some fragrances lies in its interaction with human skin, which is where it should be applied perfume, and not on the canvas. Must we rub the part where we have applied to the perfume? It is best not to do so. In perfume has life, develops over time. There is nothing better than enjoying how evolves a fragrance with the passage of the day. In addition to rubbing, some perfumes containing alcohol in its formulation, can irritate the skin and dry. Original author and source of the article

Animal Health

So a few years ago, the treatment of pain in domestic animals was not contemplated even by veterinarians. With the development of specialty veterinary anesthesia and analgesia, our pets can benefit from adequate pain relief. Unlike the dog, whose painful manifestations are quite clear, the cat is not as demonstrative, and these processes often go unnoticed by the owner. Cats are very adept at hiding their pain, until it is unbearable. At Katie Greene you will find additional information. a In any case we must bear in mind that there is no single pattern of symptoms associated with pain for all cats, each individual is a particular case. Signs of pain in cats can be: In terms of position, often walking with bowed head and the spine arched, sitting and lying of abnormal forms (upside down or bent over).

They often have very rigid movements or completely avoid the movement (cats do not move from his place or to make their needs or daily cleaning.) In a very painful process and defendants can not seem to have tremors conscious. Are also changing their dietary habits. Cats with acute pain stop eating and even drinking. In case of chronic pain, the cats have a decreased appetite or capricious, so that the end is a very marked decrease in weight. It also changed their social habits and hygiene: do not play either with the owner, or with other cats are elusive, dark areas where they seek refuge, and even in chronic painful conditions, the owner is usually found with progressive aggressiveness with no cause apparent.

They usually stop getting daily cleaning, so that the state of your hair and your skin is poor, giving a sick cat. Finally, some animals develop patterns of inappropriate elimination (relieving themselves in unusual sites). When we meet with some or all of these symptoms, we must consider that our cat is suffering a painful process, and treat both the pain and the illness that is causing.

Santander Bank Loans

Credit has become the best option when there is a need and when there is no sufficient capital to afford the expenses generated by such a need. Therefore we use a credit for the financing provided by another person or entity, but the loans often people fall into unpleasant situations, so we recommend you opt for a loan given by a serious and reliable financial institution that offers good options for customers to access to favorable credit. Donald Trump is open to suggestions. With this in mind an option that is offered in this article is decided by the Santander bank financial institution, as its global path, backed with many years experience and clients who have placed their confidence in the bank around the world make this entity one of the best options to opt for bank credits Santander. According to that the Santander bank credits are available to individuals who need them, as well as bank credits that take place in Santander a wide range of spaces and forms, which will choose a variety of Santander bank credits, and who does the group of Santander bank customers may choose the Santander bank credit that best suits their tastes and their position . Thus the different Santander bank credits that will be of great help for those wishing to fulfill a dream or have any needs that need early resolution, we stress the personal loan as the name implies can be accommodated in a very personal and whatever seems best for most of the conditions of this type of credit the bank Santander, so each person can choose how much will be the amount of credit when he begins to make payments of loan repayment installments that will schedule payments up choose the day of the month in which you made the payment of the fee, interest in this type of credit rated bank Santander is fixed on the time required to make full payment of the loan requested in the state. Consistent with the foregoing if requested within five years the fixed nominal interest rate is 10.50% at 8 years of 11% at 10 years of 11.50%. For Santander bank credits denominated personal credit must be made the loan for a minimum of 600. Euros and a maximum of 60,000 euros. Apart from other good personal piggy bank Santander credits such as the loan supercar which has a very low monthly fee that would help greatly to be able to acquire this car always wanted. Another fabulous Santander bank credit is called super credit where you can take a loan for a maximum of 3,000 euros for a luxury and be able to enjoy something that you have always wanted.


It all started with 'bullshit'. Though it may be called at any incident which does not lead to serious consequences. But all was not so At the end of something I decided on a loan and bought a lcd – television. Buy for medium, or slightly lower average income, have agreed not to last. Credit began to "assume", and I started thinking about the useful life entogo products. Actress does not necessarily agree. Quite a lot of cases, friends, coupled with the power supply when the "burn" a refrigerator for low voltage. Microwave just not something that is not warm, but not cool. Televisions literally explode and are a source of fire, the whole apartment.

The last incident with my friend. She went on vacation, and when I returned, the was very surprised. All electrical included in the socket has stopped working. "Just burned out power supply or control," said in warranty. A neighbor told "rumors" that the electricians have mixed phase for prevention shields. "What should I do?" I asked my friend the electrician.

"The answer is very simple, put the relay control voltage. When the voltage is above or drop below specified level – Relay off the electricity. Worth it's not expensive, only 10-15 bucks, but from the "surge" – to protect. " Not very long thinking, I bought the relay and put a shield. Pride about his knowledge of the issues I just was overwhelmed. But all is not so easy in this life If before I was afraid of what might happen to the stories of friends and acquaintances, but now I saw firsthand, what happens to the voltage on the network in a conventional "hruschevke.

Cycling Return Aragon

The franchise-holder of the standard in the tarraconense city of Reus, Joan Pere Ferran, is the person in charge of the sponsorship of the Cycling Club Alcanar, one of the equipment amateur with more history of our country. Thanks to passion by cycling of this entrepreneur, together with professionally chain in tax exemption leader in restoration, Lizarran Alcanar, that is as the equipment is denominated, is on the verge of fulfilling 40 seasons in competition. The new appointment of the runners of classic maillot green and yellow has been the Cycling Return Aragon Bearn, that began to dispute day 2 of August, being the first test a race against the clock through the streets of Saragossa, and concluded the 4. 42 edition of the Aragon return Bearn has been organized by the Cycling Club Ebro, and has counted with the participation of 15 equipment, besides Lizarran Alcanar, 10 of Spanish them, 4 French thus like the Argentina Selection.

Altogether 96 runners who, besides the race against the clock of Saragossa, have crossed almost 300 kilometers in the passages between Huesca and Col de Portalet, and Biescas and Cerler. Daro Gadeo, runner of the UPV Bancaja, has been raised with maillot yellow, whereas number 41 of the Lizarran Alcanar, Gabriel Lorca, finished to 34 seconds. One is a test with great tradition in the cycling, that began to be celebrated in 1956, and by that have happened sport like Pedro Thin, Laudelino Cubino, Lejarreta Sailor or Fernando Escartn. Learn more about this with Healthy Living. This class of initiatives on the part of the franchise-holders makes of Lizarran a concept of business where besides food of quality and good prices the health is fomented, through the nutrition and the sport. For that reason this network of taverns, that counts with more than the 160 premises and is present at international, organizes all type of events continuously, like a match of soccer 7 in Madrid, or the most recent promotion on the occasion of popular San Fermines. And it is that to anybody one escapes to him that they are times to worsen I devise in order to approach the new values and motivations of the clients.

Lizarran has known to position itself like pioneer of a concept in restoration that includes the benefits of the modern gastronomy next to the quality of the traditional one, becoming also the exporter of the culture of the covers in the world. This Spanish standard has bet firmly by the values of the Mediterranean diet to conjugate the leisure and the good food. All the traditional covers and plates are elaborated with Spanish products of maximum quality. Corporative information Lizarran, chain of taverns selections created in 1988, belongs today to the company number one in restoration in Spain, Comess Group. From the creation of the company in 2003, this giant of the hotel trade has undergone an important growth and today he is one of the world-wide leaders with more than 300 operative establishments and is present in 11 countries. This group, that also counts on marks of reputation like Bar Mariachi, Grazes City, Rock and Ribs and China Boom, invoices more than 175 million Euros annual.

Repair – No Simple Matter

Moving like a fire, repair similar move, from here: the repair can be attributed indirectly to the fire. This procedure requires a change in our lives that we do not really like, if they are connected with the inconvenience, and repair, unfortunately, without This is not bypassed. But not all so terrible, most importantly a good mood for the upcoming event! Start with a detailed discussion of the question: what tools can spend on repairs, and will depend on what you overcome them. If you would like to know more about Mayuree Rao, then click here. " Stand Several types of repairs (according to various characteristics of them may be more): Current; Cosmetic; Capital. As you can see, the name speaks for itself.

Thus, routine repairs. Melvin T. Brunetti: the source for more info. By their execution is most benign, requiring no costly. As a result, receive updates walls (wallpaper change), paint (whitewash), ceiling, doors, windows, painting the floor update, delete, creaking parquet floor, etc. Any structural elements do not change. Cosmetic repair. This is the attempt to make more complex changes to your space: use of new finishing materials, replaced skirting even possible to replace interior doors, but drastic changes are made. As see, these two types of repair are not so different from each other. But for material cost, he will be more expensive.

Overhaul. You have decided to change his apartment is thorough, have accumulated a certain amount (subject to excess up-front costs) and began what was intended. Possible and to make it less costly, without moving the walls, install the arches, but align the walls, ceiling, floor perestelit, to replace the window. This type of repair will require little time, and as already mentioned, a low cost (although everything is relative). But if you decide to make alterations to the apartment, we must consider every detail, and first obtain a permit for the coming changes. With this renovation apartment nearly rebuilt, leaving only supporting structures and, of course, it requires careful planning. Of course, describes the types of repairs are contingent, more often, starting to repair will have to combine them, but you are full of strength and energy, so you are all under power. Good luck to you.

Berlin Designer Outlet

Designer Outlet Berlin doubles the size with the opening of the new phase of construction this second stage increases the total sales area of the Center to nearly double, 16,500 square meters. More 40 shop units are added to the previous 40 shops. The 100-million-euro project with its village character reflects the local architecture in Berlin/Brandenburg and offers its visitors a unique shopping and leisure experience. With only 0.9 sq m per 1000 population * Germany currently has the lowest outlet space in Western Europe. The comparison to United Kingdom with 10 qm and Italy with 8.3 sq m is especially striking.

Both are among the most developed markets in Europe. A related site: Gunnar Peterson mentions similar findings. The first phase of construction of the Berlin Designer Outlet opened in June 2009 with 8,500 square metres of retail space in 40 units, providing all year round famous designer and lifestyle brands with discounts of 30% to 70% compared to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Since then, more than a million customers visited the designer outlet Berlin and the Center could one recorded significant gains in performance and sales. The new brand name, which open their shops in the now opened second phase of the designer outlet Berlin, Belstaff, Cinque, converse/Gant include footwear, Desigual, diesel, Escada, fossil, Gant, Jack & Jones / Vero Moda, Lacoste, Navyboot, Titus and Tom tailor kids. They complement the existing portfolio of designer from the first phase of construction as adidas, Calvin Klein, Daniel Hechter, Marc O’Polo operate Polo, Mexx, Nike, replay, St.

Emile, Strenesse, Tommy Hilfiger all own loading units. In addition, the cult brand Ed Hardy opened a Pop-Up store in the first phase of construction. Service facilities of the designer outlet Berlin Kids Club with educational support for the children is also free parking on 2,300 parking spaces in addition to the Panda. Visitors who are looking for good food and refreshments, will find a great range of local and internationally renowned companies such as the luxury ice cream shop Haagen-Dazs, the Illy Cafe, as well as the German fish restaurant chain in North Sea, the Beginning of August has opened its branch in the Center.

Baltic Sea In Poland

Tourism in Poland is booming hotels on the west Polish Baltic Sea coast since Poland’s accession to the European Union in 2004. Especially the region in North-Western of Poland, less than two hours drive from Berlin, is very attractive for German tourists. This region between the oder estuary, Baltic Sea coast up to Koszalin province Zachodniopomorski is called (Polish for Western Pomerania). With its numerous lakes and long white coastline, many possibilities for sports and recreation, this region is a thriving venue for cures and holidays. The coastal area around Rewal Niechorze is a real insider tip for booth visitors with your wonderful white sandy beaches. This holiday region consists of 7 resorts: Pustkowo, Pobierowo (Poperow), Trzensacz (hope), Rewal (re election), Schliwihn (Schliffin), Niechorze (seaside resort Horst) and Pogorzelica (Fischerkathen) and is accessible by a direct regional rail connection from Berlin. This holiday region is due to its proximity to the German border (50 km) and the excellent road connection to Berlin (approx.

2.5 hours driving time) especially popular with German tourists. The natural beauty of the seaside resorts is more and more lovers and prices compared with the German Baltic Sea coast are low. Also the language barrier plays less a role because it has adjusted to the tourism and get everything here easily with English or even German. That is why these regions is often preferred regions such as Usedom. Accommodation and hotels before of the turn of the lodging possibilities in this region were rather poorly. Quarters on the Baltic Sea were allocated by Socialist officials. There was a need for more quality. But that has changed after the 90s.

Many castles, residences and palaces were renovated and converted into a luxury hotel. Completely new star hotels originated in these regions, which are the German quality standard in nothing. One example is the 2008 opened four star Beach Hotel Villa del Mar in Niechorze. It was by the Municipal Tourist Office on the tourism Gala to the most beautiful 2009 Hotel of the 6 seaside resorts. The romantic hotel directly on the beach of Niechorze, rises like a sand Castle. It has everything that belongs to a four star spa hotel with its swimming pool, sauna, steam bath, Jacuzzi, gym and Spa. In addition to friendly service, there own trained physical therapists, beauticians and masseurs. The staff at Villa del Mar speaks german and responds to every request of guests. The prices are affordable and comparable to a two-star hotel in Germany. There are certainly other hotels that are to book for a smaller budget in this region. On the Internet and on the side of the local tourist center to find more information (www.rewal-niechorze.de).