
The higher Academy for caring professions, currently interested offers easy and professional-friendly access to further training and qualification opportunities in the welfare field. Offered: training courses, seminars and modern educational concepts such as distance learning. The training in care can be taken weekly and part-time or in the block. Also there together the way also in-house, so in the service mode, training with other employees to perceive. Cindy Crawford contains valuable tech resources. At the end of a successful training, a diploma and a type is issued to the participants. Furthermore provides the higher Academy seminars on. In contrast to the training, a nursing seminar includes only a few hours.

In advance, participants will receive an information sheet with educational materials. Then, the actual seminars are held onsite at the care facilities by a lecturer. The care seminars require also no thesis. Distance learning has a special place in the Academy of nursing continuing education concept. The basic concept of distance education in the health care sector Academy and practical learning in the specific nursing profession consists in the interaction between theoretical learning with the higher. Care professionals can a fully coordinated curriculum track, because the largest part of the acquisition of knowledge through self-study. For this purpose, get sent to the learning materials on topics to health and welfare and edited them independently.

At the end, dissolve the given individual tasks that it then sends back to the test. The distance learning is independently, but not alone: additional material to the care will be higher from the Academy in the network provided, also can be support the personal advisors by phone or on-site at the training center. Of course you can also participate in the organized presence events. The basic concept of distance education in the health care sector is higher in the interaction between theoretical learning with the Academy and practical learning in the specific nursing profession. The higher Academy for Nursing can look back on a fourteen year old tradition of teaching in the field of nursing and health. With an increasing number of participants in the offered trainings and seminars has Academy later became one of the most important providers of training in the care area. All seminars are designed according to recommendations of companies and associations. For the content quality of expertise and of the structure of the seminars, which was training higher Academy of nursing several times awarded, among others as a vehicle for promoting vocational education and training (from the AZAV) and by the TuV SuD certified, as well as the national centre of distance learning.

BAfoG Submission

Funding pots for the distance make abroad dreams come true Dresden, 07.06.2011 – ‘ you can’t finance it at all? So I could not afford that!’ Sets with envy factor, who know the most foreign designers. So the ‘year abroad’ breaks no great financial hole in the wallet, you should research at an early stage. Numerous funding programs of the State and the EU, but also of foundations, universities and associations support the funding of training stays abroad. International Student Exchange: If you’re planning a school abroad, should contact the competent BAfoG Office. You are entitled to foreign BAfoG, get financial support in the form of grant aid. These grants can get for travel expenses, living expenses, rent and health insurance, regardless of in which host country visiting the school.

The BAfoG-submission must be made before the start of the high school year. Language: Also for Worldwide, research funding or financial support worth language courses. The gifted education works, the EU education programmes, the international training and development of gGmbH (InWent) and the education premium are responsible, among others, that also language courses abroad are affordable. It is important that the language studies abroad has a reference to personal training, otherwise it looks like stealth holiday. Internship: For the financial support of the internship in Europe the ‘ ERASMUS and Leonardo programmes include da Vinci’ responsible.

About the foreign BAfoG funded placements worldwide. There are also a number of smaller programmes which finance abroad. Study abroad: the funding for one or two internships are varied. The odds on a promotion with each semester that you already studied in Germany. It is generally difficult to get promoted to a fulltime abroad. The worldwide most important funding programmes are the ERASMUS programme for Europe as well as the foreign BAfoG and the DAAD for the semester abroad. Also here are a variety of smaller programmes that help finance the study period abroad. The timely application of funding is crucial in all programmes. Therefore you should inform himself at the same time in the research about the application deadlines. “Learn more about the financing of training stays abroad: study abroad finanzierung.html BildungsMakler24 operates and markets the education portal” a portal for learning opportunities at home and abroad, including financing with funding. The info portal gives you expert guidance in a compact form as well as many helpful tips and hints. Will helped the visitors, make good decisions when planning his own education or training. As a service, some hand-picked educational providers with different capacities are recommended. In addition, supports BildungsMakler24 the BildungsmaklerNetzwerk which Germany builds a network for educational agents. BildungsMakler24 AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden phone: 0351-2543405 mobile: 01577 1720859 email: Internet:

Marion Klimmer

This will take place shortly before the several months learning phase. “” He discusses the success factors in testing: a good learning strategy, mental fitness, and strength “as well as a long breath”. In addition, the participants to create action and learning plans for preparation time. The participants based learning and stress management methods are introduced in more on the latest brain research and learn about a self-coaching method. E/C/P the second module of KANTIPUDI represent individual coaching. Please visit Cindy Crawford if you seek more information. In these it comes under, to optimise the learning and working techniques. Supermodel: the source for more info. to eliminate other possible confounding factors”in the environment, as far as possible. A further aim of the coaching is to recognize patterns of thought and behavior, that trigger the candidates stress, mental blocks, and fear of failure, and to ensure that the specimens remain mentally and emotionally in their balance.

Thus they can get easier their performance potential for exam preparation and the examination. According to Kantipudi succeeds only with coaching methods, which apply in the emotion Center of the brain. Conventional methods fail here.” The third building block a trial run of the exam conditions to the life form testing simulations, in which small groups”is carried out. Him in, the candidates all subjects of the examination must keep short presentations to an unknown topic after a short preparation including the subsequent q & a sessions. These are recorded via video.

The specimens will then receive feedback: the coach, their colleagues, as well as two partners from their organization, providing the technical questions in the exam simulation. The feedback also refers to their personal effects as well as their sovereignty in dealing with questions and simulated errors. This feedback is then subject to individual coaching. Through these informed, individual preparation succeeded according to Marion Klimmer the companies that previously in-house by the Examenscoaching program, to reduce the failure rate on the exams by about a third. “This they benefited also financially, inter alia, because in the following year fewer repeaters” again had to indemnify for the examination. Also, the high passing rate resulted in an image enhancement for the customers and the graduates from the relevant subjects. For more information about the KANTIPUDI exam coaching-interested companies at Kantipudi coaching & training, Hamburg ( get program. Contact: Tel.: 040 / 600 14 872, E-Mail:.


It is also important that you present in this case, before young patients or seniors. These audience groups have certainly different interests and to consider them. To clearly define your audience, you worry about your audience (name, Department, composition), whose room for manoeuvre (hierarchy, responsibility, decision-making authority), expectations, interests, knowledge and the benefits for your listeners. 3. content and collection of fabrics on the market your thoughts on paper.

This is a first unstructured MindMap can be use to brainstorm first. Write down self-defeating even for the time being. Not rarely arise from new perspectives and ideas. The fact that you use a MindMap, ideas and thoughts are already partly structured. In a second mind map you can still strengthen and specify a unique structure. It results in main and subpoints that provide you with a red thread for your presentation.

The graphical representation of the mind maps supports to anchor the main and subpoints better in memory. Now comes the hardest part, choosing a theme for your presentation. Less is more! Watch your time, how much can you present so at this time, that you reach your goals. Think about what topics are interested in the audience. A young patient group interested in certainly not for incontinence and dementia, but rather for checkups or fitness courses. Match the content to your objectives and your target audience. 4. presentation process have you again your target audience in mind: opening: give 1/10 of the greeting and your own presentation event, issue, problem, benefits represent time orientation game rules set if necessary interest by questioning techniques target the introduction: positive impression, positive mood, earn sympathy points by an open posture, smile, maintain eye contact and customize your clothes the audience. Pick your listeners mind. Speaking experience, this could be for example in a telephone training: perhaps you have wondered why you should visit a phone training, where you call already for years.

German University

New to this master’s degree program is that students in addition to compulsory compulsory modules, the key skills and competencies in the areas of strategic management, research methods, quality management and evaluation provide, in the second and third semesters even their areas of specialisation in the field of prevention and set health management. For even more details, read what Cindy Crawford says on the issue. Thus, the new master’s degree can be flexibly aligned on the individual preferences, the specific professional requirements or the personal career planning and. The German University offers six College continuing education. The training program gives all interested professionals the opportunity to acquire skills to selected subject areas. An ideal opportunity for all who wish to attend a complete study. If you have read about supermodel already – you may have come to the same conclusion. During the College of further education, existing knowledge be purposefully expanded, deepened or added.

The training packages cover complete topic areas, which can be directly used in professional practice. The continuing education program of the German university not only students and graduates of the College, but also managers and specialists of the industry of the future can expand their knowledge, prevention, fitness and health, strengthen or acquire specific knowledge in a new area of expertise. Around 1,700 companies (as of April 2010) already qualify their employees prevention, fitness and health with the German University to specialists and executives for the industry of the future. Now the State-recognized University as a theme leader offers a master’s degree in health management, as well as six fitness training, fitness economics, nutrition counseling and health management for prevention, fitness and health in addition to four dual Bachelor’s degrees in the fields of study in the field of training College of continuing education. For the winter semester 2010/2011, a further master’s degree in the field of study is offered prevention and health management. The German school of prevention and health management nationwide study centres now has nine centers of study in Germany (Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich, Osnabruck, Stuttgart, Saarbrucken), as well as two international study centers in Austria (Vienna) and Switzerland (Zurich). The German university students are as well as the participants of college training able, their presence phases complete residence close.

In addition, they may agree their studies or their training with the professional obligations through the compact presence phases. Remote teaching support, as well as modern electronic learning and communication platform within the framework of distance education have the opportunity to take advantage of the remote support of teachers of college students and participants of the University continuing education. For technical questions, you are specifically trained tutors of the College via email and telephone is available. In the context of this remote support issues as to the content of the books or tips for the preparation of audit services. A modern electronic learning and communication platform is also available, which allows the students and participants such as digital to provide audit services, or to contact the study secretariat and other participants/students.

Good Employees

Many employers welcome back Germany new trainees new challenge for technical industries since September 1, 2013 in their company. For the next three years the young people be prepared for their desired profession and to specialists of their craft. After completion of the training, many companies, to be able to take over their new professionals, hope but this is often a challenge. Because currently specialists of technical industries can choose today your job from a variety of offers. “So are employer branding and corporate social responsibility do not empty fashion terms, but corporate measures, today in the war of talent” decisively, Managing Director of Neuss communications agency BLUE MOON CC GmbH are white, like Anita Gilges,. “The self-assured young specialists whether completed training or university degree is to primarily two questions, according to which they choose their employers: what does my company” for me (employer branding) and what it does for the company (corporate social responsibility), knows from experience Gilges. Many recent studies (E.g. HR report 2012/2013 of Hays AG on the topic of employee retention) confirm this.

Young employees have mostly accurate expectations of their employer. These range from flexible working hours over a fair reward to activities for the promotion of work-life balance. Also Neuss companies must confront therefore always more detail these requirements, to be attractive for employees. The strategy comes from the blue the Blue Moon communications professionals familiar Moon the challenges of the company. Every employer is happy, when the young, which he himself has trained and which fits exactly into the company, remains as an employee with his special expertise”, so Managing Director of Anita Gilges.

A thorough look at the entire company was necessary to achieve this goal. Consider using the method developed by us of the balanced branding “We the employers holistically, so his organizational-structural as well as his communicative side”, Gilges said. Based on a detailed analysis, the Neusser communication experts develop individual measures which fit exactly into the company and attract targeted potential and existing employees. We recommend, on the one hand the communication open, transparent and authentic, and on the other hand in the market to position his company as a distinctive brand with its USPs”, further discussed the communication expert. Additional details about the topics of employer branding and CSR supply to find the respective brochures of blue moon CC GmbH, as a download from pr-news/publikationen.html, or request under. More information under: BLUE MOON CC GmbH Antje Kettler Friedrich str. 8 41460 Neuss Tel.: 02131 / 66 15 6-0 fax: 02131 / 66 15 6-66

Winfried Prost

This chat room can and a coach can do. For this, he needed the analytical and empathetic skills to capture a man, completely in his personal life as well as to develop solutions that work in everyday life, the problems practically and pragmatically to cope with hang-ups or loads of people. A holistic coaching trying to shine through all areas of the life of another person and to filter out problem-causing relationships. It concerns from effective measures in the short term. Winfried Prost is Director of the Academy for holistic management and conducts for 33 years for middle and upper management seminars and coaching sessions.

From about 16,000 individual coaching and more than 1700 communication and personality seminars, as well as through a variety of training, he has extensive experience. For holistic management and personal coaching, he offers his coach trainers in the 13 Year especially for trainers and consultants who want to qualify in addition to their activities. The training emphasizes, in which on the one hand, many methods are summarized but the views of other people should not be hampered by techniques on the holistic approach. It aims to capture people better in all dimensions of their life and achieve pragmatic solutions. Winfried Prost performs all parts of training personally and is each participant in 10 coaching available and thereby developed concrete implementation strategies with each for its special needs. If you want to learn and want to apply for participation in the training, you can inform yourself on the website of the Academy or contact Winfried Prost personally:. Any decision on participation is preceded by a personal conversation to get to know and to the clarification of mutual expectations. Flexible modules, the entry is in the training at any time.


Equality before the law, instead Freedom of the individual development! The same knowledge for all students after the school dismissal. During the training, they have individual skills. Then, the Demotivationen are made by foreign-controlled teachers. Today, still physically and mentally disabled form the learning-goal level. Equal pay for all.

The benefits follows the differentiation. ‘Parasitic’ State administrator thus secure their economic existence. Note: Culture (control) never replaced nature (control). Life is vital autonomous and self-regulating (1 conversion circuit with feedback)! > Interdisciplinary refers to the use of approaches, ways of thinking, or at least methods of from different disciplines. An interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach includes several independent sciences, engaged in a mostly scientific question with their respective methods. Architects are interdisciplinary and holistic action This plays a minor role, whether these areas even interdisciplinary approaches track or whether only a combination of disciplines results these approaches.

In contrast to the multidisciplinarity, it is important that methods between the disciplines are taught and thus solution strategies arising not only an exchange of results. Interdisciplinarity requires the bringing together of various aspects, a pure juxtaposition of these aspects is not enough for this purpose. > Source: (C) by, author today is about digitized, specialized and mobile: hundreds of analog magazines on all possible topics, etc. hundreds of digital radio and TV broadcasts with all potential content. In addition, all possible individual info kross-over are interconnected to a personal image. And the whole thing even further in the mobile Internet. Combine interests. The duties of Chairman are not more expression of a higher-level objective of a future-oriented, serving the common whole idea. Were still bundled as the interests, an umbrella organisation of all sectors and regions the common voice of the combined and concerted concern of the overall interests. Today the individual interests and resolvable via the common denominator of a sustainable development of the strengths are provided, each sees only himself and is blind to the overall whole, which yet the individual depends in turn with.

Holistic Resource Management

Webinar is on October 10, 2013 a resource management from portfolio planning to the implementation of individual projects In the webinar holistic resource management”gives tips for a comprehensive capacity planning, which is already in the strategic planning of the project portfolio and is able to take into account the dynamics of the daily project work the project management solution provider can do. Can do, an award-winning project management-software developers, presents ways in which companies can efficiently its personnel in the individual departments, as well as in projects. Given the lack of skilled workers – particularly in the IT-departments – an optimum utilization of resources for companies is a crucial factor in international competition. “” “The webinar holistic resource management”can do – Managing Director Thomas Schlereth perform, the already number oak project management technical articles and others on the topics of management by project-oriented resource management”, the project company” published or risk management in project planning”. The webinar will take place in the run-up to the international project management-Summit-Nordic project zone”in Kopemhagen (Denmark), the can do as sponsor supported. The event from 25-27 November 2013 is aimed primarily at head of project, program and portfolio directors and senior executives from the industry.

The Nordic project zone”sees itself as a platform for exchanges on the latest developments around the topics of agile project management, program and portfolio management and project management offices. The event offers high-quality keynotes and numerous best practice presentations. Do CEO Thomas Schlereth can in Copenhagen is a lecture on the subject of resource management between project and line”to contribute. As a sponsor, can do does not have a quota of reduced tickets. If you are interested to participate in the Nordic project zone”you can contact can do.

“The webinar holistic resource management” (EN) October 10, 2013, from 12.00 until 13:00 Is free and will be held in English. For more information about the webinar here. You can feel the webinar holistic resource management”login (EN) here. Can do GmbH can do GmbH, Munich, has developed a powerful project management software. The tool supports companies in the professional implementation of projects, ensures more transparency in the projects allows for optimized use of personnel and allows the use of realistic planning methods. In addition, the software features including comprehensive functions in the area of portfolio and budget management and simplifies the coordination between project and line. All project-related information will always be available in real time. With its experienced project management team can do offers consulting services and interim management implementations, process optimisation and project management. The project management tool can do is a certified software made in Germany”and has already won several excellent: 2013 the PM tool was among the three best solutions at the Innovationspreis-IT (ERP”) and leading in the industry award (IT-& software solutions for the industry”). “The can do GmbH belonged in the years 2012 and 2011 to the prize-winners of the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award” and finished in 2010 at the competition battle of tools “of the PMI chapter Austria ranked first. Press contact: Can do GmbH Christian Schneider corporate communication Implerstr 26 81371 Munich T: + 49 (0) 89 / 512 65-101 / F:-500 email:

Cologne Teaching

Informational evening for the coach training: with all your senses just Dusseldorf – learn Stefanie Rossler, sought-after organizational and management consultant, put together a very special training due to their own experience of education and professional practice. Together with five other trade specialists, it conveys is highly effective, humanistic and holistic teaching and learning methods and concepts, which combine scientific knowledge and effective psychological practice in a unique way. The concepts and methods can be applied in all areas of life and learning: in the school and adult education as well as in company. To ensure the required intensity and individuality of the training, the number of participants on 15 is limited. Interested parties are cordially invited to the briefing on the 11th September 2010 in Cologne, to learn about the training. It is a training to the acquisition of leadership skills, Trainerskills and holistic teaching methods, their application in different areas of life, teaching and working in supporting and improving comes: in the school / education such as educational leadership and enforcement qualities be promoted easier designed teaching and learning units and better structured and strengthened the social fabric and the group cohesion through the development of individual personalities.

In the economy and companies can be with the concepts taught in the training and methods, work climate/morale improved and optimized internal processes and in particular the transfer of knowledge and thus training procedures. Manager, HR managers and other leaders, but also with much/public communication working people can relevant skills (such as such as your own personality development /-development, communication / social skills, structure/taxonomy) purchase, can be applied that professionally how socially constructive. In the training and continuing education, finally opened the coach training in particular women the opportunity to work as coach and to pass on knowledge, which they can use on the other, but also in addition in the already-chosen profession.