Mysterious Base

In the 200-ton miles northwest of Las Vegas in Nevada is surrounded by hills in the middle of the desert lies the town of Rachel. The city's population consists of hundreds of houses and half as many trailers has 350 employees. The town has several bars, post office, bank, a dozen shops selling jewelry such as photos of UFOs, etc. However, the streets were deserted, and only the wind rides on them dust and sand town "saddled" highway number 84. If the truth about UFOs hidden somewhere here, need to start looking from Rachel.

So, at least, it seems at first glance. Don Day has lived here for 36 years. Bear-like man, it serves as a research center 'Area-51', a private group that studies all that occurs at the base. I'm trying to find out from him, how close can come to the base to avoid being shot by guards. – Do not try anything to photograph, and Lord forbid you break the border – suggests Don. – At the slightest violation you will be arrested, confiscating the camera vytryasut 600 bucks fine until the next morning and kept in a cooler. Can see that the risk does not make sense. Beware of secret service officers. Further details can be found at Smart Sites, an internet resource. They quickly learn about your approach to Zone, because all along the roads is touch-sensitive motion sensors, but on every hill stuck parabolic antennas, microphones and other gadgets, intersect, even breathing snakes Don hands me a card, and I noticed freeway 84 black squares mail – here I am.

Mortal Man

I will try to give you a couple of simple examples. Take a well-known syllogism: Man is mortal, my friend Vasya people, therefore Vasya died. We all have confidence in human mortality. But excuse me, but where one hundred percent guarantee that Vasya was going to die? I can not say it until I see his corpse. But I For some reason I believe that he is mortal. This is shown by billions of examples and scientific evidence. Therefore, although it is likely that Vasya spite of all will live forever, the belief in it seems to us absurd, while the belief in the death of both will be knowledge.

Thus, faith – a form of knowledge, and inseparable from it. We both know that the morning sun will rise, and believe in it. Christians, as many mistakenly believe, do not consider the probability of the existence of God great – they are absolutely (without 'probably') are convinced that God exists. And I must admit, they have grounds for such confidence. There are many works that are logically prove the truth of all that is written in Gospel.

For all that, the level of scientific knowledge we have today, the Christian doctrine of creation is still relevant and can withstand all possible checks. On the contrary, the science eventually figured out that It turns out (!) Bible law. For example, in that light appeared before the stars and sun. Or again: the scientists found that the probability of spontaneous (random) occurrence of the first living cells and even the smallest of the protein is zero, that is absolutely impossible: so long as is necessary to recognize the act of creation. I will not delve into religious matters, but I will turn better in the conclusion of your attention on a very important addition. In all the above cases, I spoke about faith in the meaning of 'belief'. But faith – a broader concept, it includes two other concepts with the same root: 'trust' (in relation to people) and 'loyalty' (within the meaning of devotion, often in relation to the ideas). The fact is that if we say, for example, a belief in some sort of belief that a direct manifestation of this belief must be a volitional act. If this action is not – it is hardly possible to speak about what a person believes. In contrast to the simple belief Faith is not simply agree with something, but also a desire to act on it. It combines two elements – the conviction and will, suggests appropriate actions. For a Christian, for example, faith is not only a conviction God's existence, but also devotion to God, trust and obedience (to fix his sinful nature), the total provision to Him. Thus, 'faith is a volitional commitment of an informed intellect' (D. trousers). This situation implies that in order to believe, we need courage, the ability to take risks and sacrifice everything for the sake of certain values, do not be afraid of disappointment and failure. Of course, not all people possess these qualities, but this article in order and written to draw your attention to the importance of rational belief (which also includes the principle of objective knowledge) and everything connected with it. Faith – is, first of all, no special faith in anything but a character trait that permeates the whole personality. And this feature should be inherent in each.

Vices of Evil

Authors Satan's lunar calendar with it methodically gradually instill us with their vices of evil (lies, hatred, servility, avarice, greed, dishonesty, drunkenness, predatory individualism, different diseases) that lead to complete disharmony trinity of our thoughts – words – Affairs, to the degeneration of man. For us, it became shamefully familiar and unpredictable think one thing, say another, making the third. We have become shamefully many faces, themselves every time the mask of lies. Only in our young children still remains a virgin trusting simplicity and grandeur of the natural beauty of the one-dimensional personality. Is not this what makes us treat children with love and belief in its bright future. In the meantime, all our attempts to eradicate the evils of satanic evil ends our involvement.

Just escaped from the existing anti-human network timing and origin of the space, changing them to the multiple of five and ten, we are confident will begin to overcome evil, and again back into a beautiful harmony of trinity stable thoughts – words – matter. Moving to the sunny "Svetoyar" (even in one country) will strike a huge gap in the satanic force field of evil, which begins to collapse with increasing speed and force for good – Love – Truth will begin the march. While opponents of Svetoyara will be the initial discussion period, a lot. It makes no sense to call their names. Block evil is well known for his dirty – the bloody footsteps of the last millennium. In the course will be launched: conservatism, money, lies, defamation, media, religious denominations.

But they can not use weapons mass extermination. And this is our success. Stop living in satanic laws of time, space and evil! God help us in this our Mind, Love and Faith! I believe that everything outlined here, will be available real understanding and accepted with confidence, without reading the mystics any reasonable person from the world of love and kindness. Let's unite, to believe and fight for ourselves and our children's future! Set out in 4 pages, Ladochet, 14 th of Uranus, 14008 , or (on Friday, February 15, 2008 – by satanic calendar) of the residents of Votkinsk – Valentin Vasilyevich Vorobyov.