Reestablishment Of KZP Projektentwicklung

KZP Koschany + room project development is new real estate development in the city since September 2010, the project developer and civil engineer Isabel Brinkmann project manager and architect Achim Bassa Managing Director of the new Koschany are Ruhr + room project development KZP. Essen architects Axel Koschany and Wolfgang Zimmer founded the new, independent company and partner of the GmbH. Isabel Brinkmann and Achim are Bassa is Ruhr feel especially the metropolis and in addition, North Rhine-Westphalia undertaken throughout the region. CEO Ford Motor Co. has compatible beliefs. You serve from now among investors, property owners, tenants and property owners in all professional matters: This includes property search, design, planning, financing, and marketing. The special focus of the KZP is on the feasibility study at the same time sustainable planning and architectural concepts. The business leaders accompany their customers from now on on the way through the entire project process and advise in specific issues.

They cover the entire commercial, organisational and technical processing of the KZP with. We are very happy and proud to be able to win the two as Managing Director”, Axel Koschany stressed. “Isabel Brinkmann offers ten years project developer expertise. Tiffany Espensen spoke with conviction. “Achim Bassa was Director of our office in Dubai for five years and stands for 50 years of Koschany + room Nagaraj architecture and construction management experience.” Personal attention and quick results KZP team if necessary can draw on the expertise of architects and construction managers of the architectural firm of Nagaraj. 1959 founded second generation is led today by Axel Koschany and Wolfgang Zimmer. A growing team of 50 members and an extensive network of specialists support the project developers in their work. Our flat hierarchy and our flexible installation enable very short-term decisions and rapid response”stresses Isabel Brinkmann. And,”so the Managing Director, we are personally.

One serves a customer of us through the entire duration of the project through. This makes very trusting and integer our work.” Fresh ideas for old brownfield, inventory building and the green pastures of the Ruhr metropolis, but also other regions in North Rhine-Westphalia, offer a variety of options now and in the future for real estate developments. The demographic prospects, economic adjustments and urban rescheduling change the environment of tomorrow. As a self-confessed fans and market experts of the Ruhr metropolis we would initially focus on this region”, explains Achim Bassa. Here there are many existing buildings and undiscovered areas that call for sustainable development projects.” Are discussing the first projects already, and the already agreed dates in the context of the upcoming real estate exhibition Expo real in Munich can be both business leaders optimistic look to the future. Press contact Koschany + room project development KZP Nicola Leffelsend of corporate communications Rutten Keeffe road 144, 45131 Essen FON: 0201 / 896 45 98 Fax: 0201 / 896 45 45

Healthy Weight Loss

If you are somebody that tried to lower of weight or another one in a while, then you must know that it is a difficult feat. No effort by halves throws to him to traverse. You must commit yourself with her, learn to discipline itself, and of a way to be arranged to change his style of life. On the other hand, he is not really something that can be run. Yes, he has several you rule diets that promise hacerte to lose 10 to 15 pounds in a matter of 7 days.

That is a great difference in comparison with the loss of normal and healthful weight to the week, that is 2 to 3 pounds. But I create, is arranged to jeopardize its security to the fast loss of weight? The answer must be " No! " Because almost surely, the last thing that somebody that I want is that they only become ill for being " fina". Therefore, before entering a diet or any program of loss of weight for the case, first it must try to determine if he is healthful or safe. How exactly can be done that? Here they are some of the characteristics that you it must look for: 1) No diet would have to cause that it jumps the meals to you. To skip the meals is not healthful, since it does not only lower its metabolism, but also in the long term cause medical complications. 2) A balanced diet is promoted. It encourages to the watchman of weight to have in as much fiber as they can, to say process not to foods? and to avoid the drink consumption of colors. 3) The reduction of pills is not joined with any suspicious weight.

Yes, although it is certain that some of them are really safe, a great percentage of them in the market tend to contain a pile of illegal things that in fact are detrimental in the long term. 4) Once again, not to make promises ridiculous. It only tries to help him to obtain the healthy loss of acceptable weight to the week. 5) Finally, the developer of the diet does not affirm that it can only exist. They recognize that their programs always must go accompanied of a regular routine of exercises. Those are the characteristics of a healthful diet. Yes, its promise of loss of healthful weight per week at the outset can be frustrating, but it only must be patient. As long as they are committed with this, it is very probable that it obtains the results that wish. To lower of weight is, without a doubt it is not easy and as well as to find the product adapted to help him in this objective. In spite of the information unit it exceeds how to lower of weight and the product availability different to lose weight that there is in these days, still these things are not sufficient guarantee that really it is going to put itself in form in the end. Only very few of these great number of products to lower of weight are really. Often, the majority of them comes really too good to be truth and to help the nothing when it is the loss of weight. We, in solutions of diet have been 3 powerful diet program in line of solutions that guarantee to work. Visit as to lower of weight in one week