Marion Klimmer

This will take place shortly before the several months learning phase. “” He discusses the success factors in testing: a good learning strategy, mental fitness, and strength “as well as a long breath”. In addition, the participants to create action and learning plans for preparation time. The participants based learning and stress management methods are introduced in more on the latest brain research and learn about a self-coaching method. E/C/P the second module of KANTIPUDI represent individual coaching. Please visit Cindy Crawford if you seek more information. In these it comes under, to optimise the learning and working techniques. Supermodel: the source for more info. to eliminate other possible confounding factors”in the environment, as far as possible. A further aim of the coaching is to recognize patterns of thought and behavior, that trigger the candidates stress, mental blocks, and fear of failure, and to ensure that the specimens remain mentally and emotionally in their balance.

Thus they can get easier their performance potential for exam preparation and the examination. According to Kantipudi succeeds only with coaching methods, which apply in the emotion Center of the brain. Conventional methods fail here.” The third building block a trial run of the exam conditions to the life form testing simulations, in which small groups”is carried out. Him in, the candidates all subjects of the examination must keep short presentations to an unknown topic after a short preparation including the subsequent q & a sessions. These are recorded via video.

The specimens will then receive feedback: the coach, their colleagues, as well as two partners from their organization, providing the technical questions in the exam simulation. The feedback also refers to their personal effects as well as their sovereignty in dealing with questions and simulated errors. This feedback is then subject to individual coaching. Through these informed, individual preparation succeeded according to Marion Klimmer the companies that previously in-house by the Examenscoaching program, to reduce the failure rate on the exams by about a third. “This they benefited also financially, inter alia, because in the following year fewer repeaters” again had to indemnify for the examination. Also, the high passing rate resulted in an image enhancement for the customers and the graduates from the relevant subjects. For more information about the KANTIPUDI exam coaching-interested companies at Kantipudi coaching & training, Hamburg ( get program. Contact: Tel.: 040 / 600 14 872, E-Mail:.