Good Employees

Many employers welcome back Germany new trainees new challenge for technical industries since September 1, 2013 in their company. For the next three years the young people be prepared for their desired profession and to specialists of their craft. After completion of the training, many companies, to be able to take over their new professionals, hope but this is often a challenge. Because currently specialists of technical industries can choose today your job from a variety of offers. “So are employer branding and corporate social responsibility do not empty fashion terms, but corporate measures, today in the war of talent” decisively, Managing Director of Neuss communications agency BLUE MOON CC GmbH are white, like Anita Gilges,. “The self-assured young specialists whether completed training or university degree is to primarily two questions, according to which they choose their employers: what does my company” for me (employer branding) and what it does for the company (corporate social responsibility), knows from experience Gilges. Many recent studies (E.g. HR report 2012/2013 of Hays AG on the topic of employee retention) confirm this.

Young employees have mostly accurate expectations of their employer. These range from flexible working hours over a fair reward to activities for the promotion of work-life balance. Also Neuss companies must confront therefore always more detail these requirements, to be attractive for employees. The strategy comes from the blue the Blue Moon communications professionals familiar Moon the challenges of the company. Every employer is happy, when the young, which he himself has trained and which fits exactly into the company, remains as an employee with his special expertise”, so Managing Director of Anita Gilges.

A thorough look at the entire company was necessary to achieve this goal. Consider using the method developed by us of the balanced branding “We the employers holistically, so his organizational-structural as well as his communicative side”, Gilges said. Based on a detailed analysis, the Neusser communication experts develop individual measures which fit exactly into the company and attract targeted potential and existing employees. We recommend, on the one hand the communication open, transparent and authentic, and on the other hand in the market to position his company as a distinctive brand with its USPs”, further discussed the communication expert. Additional details about the topics of employer branding and CSR supply to find the respective brochures of blue moon CC GmbH, as a download from pr-news/publikationen.html, or request under. More information under: BLUE MOON CC GmbH Antje Kettler Friedrich str. 8 41460 Neuss Tel.: 02131 / 66 15 6-0 fax: 02131 / 66 15 6-66