Muscle Building

Our muscles are strengthened and grow, either during exercise itself, when activated only mechanism adaptation, and when we passively relax – give the body to direct energy to "repair work" to restore the muscles and ligaments and to "strengthen its military positions." This refers to the process of fat burning. The main task of training aimed at reducing body weight – the body set up to receive energy in ordinary daily life is from fat and speed up the metabolism. But, in a state of exhaustion and peretrenerovannosti metabolic rate slows down automatically and inevitably reduced the effectiveness of training, if not reduced to zero. If, after high-intensity training we continue to spend his strength, sufficient sleep, but still in a state of constant nervous tension, it greatly increases the risk of falling into a state of stress. And then of no muscle growth will not have to say – to keep would be that was. Moreover, long nedovosstanovlenie leads primarily to the loss of muscle mass, as it consumes the greatest amount of energy, and energy shortages in the coming will be for the body "Uneconomical". RECREATION: Tactics and strategy Our recovery time needed in the same careful planning, as well as the training process.

There is nothing daunting in it, especially if you know the basic rules of the recovery strategy. Rule 1. Get enough sleep! Textbook eight hours of compulsory sleep – a very conventional figure. Each of us need our sleep for good health. So, in this matter, guided solely by their individual characteristics and needs.