
Vitamins (from Lat. Vita – life) – the substances of organic origin, which are not source of any energy, but nevertheless very necessary body (in small quantities) to its normal, intensive life (and even its existence). They are actively involved in metabolism are biouskoritelyami chemical reactions that occur in the cell, as well as increase immunity to infectious and other diseases, actively reduce the adverse impact of various occupational factors, etc. Vitamins has been extensively used in the treatment of hypo – and avitaminosis, ie vitamin deficiency that developed as a result of complete absence or lack of availability in the body of a vitamin (as a result of poor performance of the gastrointestinal tract or malnutrition), they are also used for systemic treatment of so many heavy and light diseases in which the presence of vitamins in our body is enough (liver, heart, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, etc.) Vitamins are always identified by Latin letters (A, B, C, D, etc.) ; among other things, they also have a special notation. Absolutely all the vitamins are divided into two main groups: fat soluble (vitamins A, E, D, K) and water-soluble (vitamins C, P and B). The source of all vitamins We were and will be food of animal and vegetable origin, with which they enter the body. Formation of some vitamins, which occurs in our body with the participation of specific microbes that inhabit the colon intestine. Excessive doses of vitamins (hypervitaminosis) have harmful effects on the body and only because they need to take prescription-only specialist.