
However, our bodies are essential and other vitamins. Multikarotin – the source of various carotenoids. The most well known is beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), which is converted in the human body Vitamin A, only when there arises a need. Vitamin A is required for normal growth and functioning of the organs of hearing, sight, smell and vkusa.Pri sufficient quantities for the body acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin A deficiency is expressed in eye fatigue, the development of myopia, aging and skin peeling, the lack of shine.

Increased susceptibility to infections in children slows the development of an organism. Vitamin E – does in the body an important protective role in fighting free radicals and protecting fatty acids, especially unsaturated from destruction. Molecule of vitamin E intercepts the free radical molecule and, giving her one electron, turning it into a neutral substance which is excreted in the urine. If the body a little vitamin E, fats break down in the same way. A typical feature are the dark spots on the hands. Protecting the red blood cells that carry oxygen to the heart and other organs, vitamin E promotes cell respiration throughout the body. Vitamin E prevents or eliminates poor circulation, does not form clots.

Protects critical gland – the hypothalamus, thymus, adrenal cortex. Deficiency of this substance leads to a reduction in sperm production in men and to dysfunction of the uterus in women. Vitamin C – in the immune system is the worst enemy of all pathogens, parasites, viruses, germs, and. first of all, free radicals. People with weak immune systems are often cold. Vitamin C enters the blood already in the oral mucosa. Vitamin C performs at the body are two important objectives: strengthening the immune system and stabilizes the mind. It strengthens the connective tissue, smooths the walls of blood vessels, ranging from thin veins and ending with microscopic capillaries. Helps with varicose veins and Hemorrhoids, removes wrinkles and prevents the early formation of wrinkles, kills bacteria that cause tooth decay zubov.Pri its deficit in the connective tissues arise microscopic gaps that most often seen in bleeding gums and poorly healing wounds. It is important to know that if you start bleeding gums, in most cases throughout the body appear hidden internal bleeding. Stabilizes weight, metabolism, eliminates toxins, waste products, releasing the iron from the intestinal wall and bile, and delivers it into the blood, accelerates the action of calcium, which is very important for teeth, supports the assimilation of beta-carotene and Lack of vitamin E in the lens of the eye of vitamin C leads to the development of cataracts.