New Order

It is easy to break an arrow. Difficult it is to break a beam of them. Japanese saying Support is the word of a new order, a new vision of world. Celebrity trainer may find this interesting as well. Used ad they nauseam in the medias and in the society in general, its meaning still little is understood by to be something new, unknown and for having a transversal and including approach in almost all the areas of sciences human beings. This made that this inspired cause not yet was spread of form to create a critical mass of leaders to defend it. To more clearly leave the concept of this neologism, support can be defined as the creation and the disponibilizao for the society of foundations economic, social and ambient perennial, that can be usufructed of form joust and igualitria for all the current and future, originary generations of any social classroom, creed or culture.

Support is to construct to solid and perennial foundations in all the social angles. It is to search the balance, to to make the certain things, in the certain way, with perspective of long stated period in the use them global resources. It must be had holistic vision of the phenomenon in comment and be taken in account economic, social and ambient the impacts involved next to stakeholders, to produce goods and services lasting. To occur the full support, the alignment of the three sectors of the economy becomes necessary: the first sector, the public power (governments), withholds the power, but with little effectiveness; as the sector, the private power (companies), possesss the capital but it lacks for times the credibility to it; the third sector (ONGs) has ideas, but sparing financial resources. Articulated, planned and agreed to actions in local scope enter all the sectors of the society create the synergy of a governana process that potencializa the abilities, the knowledge and the experiences of all the involved sectors, to improve the quality of life and the social conviviality.