Holistic Psychology

How we could in a pluriculturalista country as Brazil, to find them to me that the applied concepts of psychology to the paulistano will be the same ones applied the Bahians? In this context he is correct to say that in the limits of a country with continental dimensions as Brazil, what if it applies in a region it can be, and it is natural that is, completely different of what is applied to the other, in this manner we would not have to speak in Psychology, but yes in Psychologies and is accurately there that gift becomes, amongst as much other forms and applications of psychology, the necessity of creation of a Psychology Holstica and Integrativa. To think a Psicologiaholstica, integrativa, that recognizes the diversity of the human being in all its complexity and promotes Despertamento is the fulfilment of the objective for which Psychology while area of knowing always searched, but inebriada for the desire of if becoming science, was if losing for the way. The inclusion of holistic, integrativo knowing and complementing to Psychology is to not only add incalculable values to to know psychological, as after intend Jung with its studies on the culture and eastern philosophy and as much others it, as well as to open a vast gamma of possibilities of work to the professional Psychologist who in everything reveals apt to the development of these practical, accurately for its ability to deal with the mind, the subjective feelings and too much contents that as the integrativa holistic philosophy are the great causers of males that they devastate the humanity, want either given the energy questions, as somatic and mannering. this does not deny the vision of Psychology, in contrast, corroborates and complements. We face a change of paradigms and this is felt by all the areas, demanding a deep revision of values on the part of the professionals and involved people with the production and promotion of knowing.