European Rabbit

Rabbits have a high fertility and precocity. From each healthy rabbit for the year you can get 5 – 6 okrolov, more than 25 – 30 rabbits, or about 60-70 kg of meat (live weight), and 20 skins. In the majority of rabbit carcasses is white meat, which has low calorific value, by containing the complete protein with a small amount of cholesterol. Rabbit is particularly useful for children, the elderly and patients suffering from diseases manufactures footwear and leather haberdashery. Rabbit fluff is used to produce the most valuable varieties of felt, suede and jersey. Rabbit refers to the order Lagomorpha, family Zaitsev, the class of mammals.

Birthplace of the wild rabbit say southern and middle parts of Europe (particularly France and Spain). From southern European wild rabbit came all breeds of domestic rabbit. As a result, the mating of wild and domestic rabbits obtained viable and fertile offspring. Obtaining hybrids between rabbits and hares (leporidov) is impossible. Rabbits and hares are similar in appearance, but the biological properties are very different. Pregnancy in rabbits lasts 28-32 days, the rabbits – 50-52 days. Rabbits are born blind, naked, and leverets – sighted, well-feathered hair and a week later dispense with the mother.

Wild rabbits live in colonies and mostly satisfied with their nests in burrows. Rabbits for the breeding burrows are not satisfied. Currently, rabbits bred in almost all countries of the world. For successful breeding rabbits need to know their biological characteristics.