
Why? in cold weather makes short walk, and live in a warm nest, where temperature is not less than 20 C. Another thing rabbit fur coat: he was under a bush spend the day and night. Vitamins – a good thing. Vitamins – great! But Do not overdo it with respect to their number, since instead of the expected benefits yielded negative results. This particularly applies to vitamin C, better known as ascorbic acid. It is very needed by the body, primarily as anti-infective prophylaxis. However, you should know that animals kept in good health, this vitamin is formed enough, and the normal menu additionally introduce his pet should not be.

Otherwise, you artificially amplifier selection "askorbinku, perenasytite organism, and it will cease to provide it himself. Next, begin a chronic vitamin deficiency. For example, a day to about 1 mg "askorbinku" per 10 kg. Pregnant and lactating, increase the dose by 25-50%. Excess is fraught with toxicity and adversely affect the offspring. Precautions: To avoid hypovitaminosis C – do not feed the four-legged friends for a long time boiled flour feed, Diversify, if possible, their diet and do not stint on raw (finely grated – it is better absorbed) of vegetables and fruits. Askorbinku source is milk, but its real fount – nettle leaves, sauerkraut and hips. In winter, you're forced to replace the green fertilizer multivitamins. Without hesitation Ken Cron explained all about the problem.

Choose the ones in the composition of which is contained as little as possible of vitamin C. Here are the names of drugs and the number of "askorbinku, y units. So: vitaftor – 0.012; geptavit – 0,2; asnitin – 0,05; gendevit – 0,075; pangeksavit – 0; dekamevit – 0,2; undevit – 0,075; geksavit – 0,07; pentovit – 0; revit – 0,35. Meat – a substantial part of their daily menu. Today, however, so many can not afford it. You to get the required number calories, it can be replaced by other products. Thus, 100 grams of beef substitute – 75 of hearts, 150 g of lung, 50 g of meat and bone or fish meal, 75 g of dry fish, 150 g of whole milk, 300 g of skimmed milk (skimmed), 75 g fat and 150 grams of low fat cottage cheese. Offer recipe substitution nice stomach of fish (alas, too expensive). Third of the carcasses of pollock (hake sardanelly, carp, etc.) to boil, add the bread crumb (instead you can put a "Hercules", cooked pasta, any cereal), rub a bit carrots, finely chopped fresh herbs (especially good sprouted oats, wheat), all mash and mix. If the food is a thick, it is slightly diluted with boiled water.