Traditional Galician Food

Who is the other? The different, what you don’t understand, the newcomer, which can remove us work, that was. At school we speak of the barbarians, the wild peoples who came north to annihilate the vast Roman Empire, civilization, the cradle of our civilization. However, barbarice, for the Greeks was that babble. Or abroad who speak another language, mumbled terms to make themselves understood. For the sophisticated Greeks and then the Romans, barbaro was the other. The reality is that these people even began to push on the borders of the Empire because they wanted to emigrate to the South, but because they were persecuted by warlike tribes of the East, the sons of Attila, who not ceased in their advance and its scorched-earth tactics.

There is, then, a tremendous clash of cultures. The Emperor of Rome no longer controlled the Empire, and in the year 476, the head of the Germanic tribe of the heruli, Odoacer (seeking Fortune), dismisses Romulo Augusto, a pubertal 15 years that passed into history as the last emperor of the Western Roman. And at the table they begin to mix traditions of winners and losers. The invaders had very little agricultural tradition and no livestock. They ate raw meat, without refinements, just to feed themselves.

And they are surprised when they see the Romans eat lying on his left elbow. Now let’s see, many barbarian customs are that we still maintain. For example, to the Roman custom of eating lying peoples of the North imposed the eating erect, sitting on a bench. And the Greco-Roman tradition of eating separate men and women, was replaced by the carry to the ladies at the table, and sit next to the Knights. Goths, Franks and Visigoths imposed his taste for hunting, and the preference for wild pork, they not only learned to broil but to salting and smoking for their conservation.