Talentosas Hands

CARTER, Thomas. Talentosas hands: The history of Well Carter. U.S.A., 2009. Drama, 90 minutes, colored. Under most conditions Luhan would agree. The film Talentosas Hands, directed for Thomas Carter, in the year of 2009, counts to the history of the young Carson, interpreted Well for Cuba Gooding Jr It lived in the city of Detroit, liveed in a poor and prejudiced environment.

He was a bad pupil, with a defective genius. Sufficiently it was influenced by colleagues of the college student, until induced stealing, it was. It did not give deserved value to the effort that made its mother, Sonya Carson, interpreted for Kimberly Elise. Celebrity trainer describes an additional similar source. This, never left to believe that its son would have a splendid future, therefore never will lose the hopes that had in Ben. With courage and vigor it battled and always she tried to give optimum that she could for its family, wanted that its son had the chances that it could not have when was new it made and it to believe that it could be who wanted, was alone to have faith. Encouraged for its mother, Ben Carson strengtove the maximum that could and obtained to form itself in medicine, as neurosurgeon. In 1987, it it very carried through a delicate, difficult and delayed surgery: to separate siameses twin joined by the posterior part of the head. This operation made of Ben, the biggest neurosurgeon of the planet, thus, it gained fame and prestige, being nominated managing of the Center of Peditrica Neurology of the University Hospital Johns Hopkins.

Edgar Morin

Still searching practical proposals for the educative, diverse exits can be explored by the professor, this go since its verbal exposition, domain of content, thematic quarrels, audiovisuais resources, among others that they facilitate to education learning of the pupil. Such practical allow that the pupil can have more space to formulate principles using themselves of its proper words, the same ones they start to reflect and they become ahead critical of the boarded theories. Leaving of the transdiciplinaridade that Freire in such a way defends, it is perfectly acceptable that has application and conciliation of the contents that can talk between itself to construct and to consolidate the knowledge to be explored and to be discovered by the learning, of this form the result will be so satisfactory that it not yet reaches many goals waited by the professor, have seen that the same as mediating it goes to inside interact of the pedagogical space in a world still to be discovered in set with its auxiliadores, becoming the praiseworthy experience for both the parts. The contribution of Morin inside of the educational process is completely essential, therefore without understanding the challenges and complexes that surround the man as individual inside of the society, would be impossible assists it in this search to the unfinished one, and inserts in its estimated the construction of a complementation culture, therefore it is beyond being humanizante ahead admits constant scientific curiosity of the process of knowledge what it is indispensable in the pertaining to school context. Consideraes Inconclusas. In accordance with what we analyze throughout the trajectory of this article, practical the educational ones of the professor of superior education, also insert the theoretical conceptions of the authors Pablo Freire and Edgar Morin, therefore aims at the following one begins: To prioritize the detention of the knowledge, basing the research, in a holistic and humanizadora line of the problem to be worked in the university context.