Berlin Health Advertising

The Association of social competition from Berlin keep on firing against companies that sell nutritional supplements and other health products, and advertise for them with health-related statements. In a case by the higher regional court (OLG) Dusseldorf, it went to a dietary supplement composed of hyaluronic acid and pomegranate powder. Continue to learn more with: actress. The product was advertised with persen anti-aging statements. The Court considers the company but not nearly proved that the selected effects are scientifically guaranteed or accepted. In particular, no sound clinical studies were submitted. A similar fate overtook the provider of a dietary supplement with Glucosamine and Chondroitin substances. The product was advertised with different statements to the joint health. The higher regional court of Cologne also came to the conclusion that the statements due to lack of scientific protection are misleading.

The Court is against the widespread literature considers that the European authority to examine proposed health claims sufficiently secured should be regarded for food safety up to a negative decision always as scientific (E.g. master Ernst, WRP 2010, 481, 490). Rather it can’t 1924/2006 Glucosamine and Chondroitin to the floating currently at European level authorisation procedure for the substances within the framework of the health claims regulation. Rather, it is crucial to the current legal situation, according to which the selected effects for substances should be sufficiently scientifically. This, it is not decisive that a draft of the European Commission certain others in the product contained substances (manganese, copper, folic acid, vitamin B12, etc.) foresees an authorisation, since the positive effects related to the joint functions just to the materials of Glucosamine and Chondroitin. Finally an expert reports ordered by the Court for the decision was crucial then, that the information to promoting joint health with Glucosamine – Chondroitin Sulfate cannot be sufficiently scientifically backed up and certainly”not by General recognized scientific knowledge be demonstrated.

Finally, the relevant association even before the regional court (LG) of Trier in a case has received right, which is the health claims regulation about compulsory labelling under article 10. In the case of a mineral water among other things with the statement was “without the article 10 of regulation required note on the importance of a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle advertised and marked. so that the body takes no damage The LG Trier has classified 1924/2006 as misleading this due to the said article 10 of the regulation. The Court clarifies this, that contrary to Persians voices in the legal literature (including Hagenmeyer, WRP 2009, 554 et seq.) the required information even outside of the label in the advertised health promotion must be made.Other non-binding and free information relating to food law, see

Legalities On The Web

Lawyer Esslingen With the emergence and spread of the Internet is the Internet or even online right an important, but not independent, practice area must deal with what everyday Internet users and lawyers. So do some lawyers in Esslingen, which have specialized in this area. The Internet law deals with copyright, right of exploitation, rights transfers, but also with competition law and professional offenses, such as pornographic or racist Web sites. (Source: supermodel). Also this includes brand and trade names and dates right. It was not until the late 90's, when trade was booming with commercial goods on the Internet more and more, they decided to find even for the Internet, legal regulations. Initially this decision was taken by the Internet users are not sympathetic, you could see on the Internet like a legal vacuum, reigned in the apparent anonymity. This has made it on the Internet with the law and not taken very seriously and the comments the user even now all too often in his own body, or wallet, if such money was paid for fake items. Even the theft of image and text files is still widespread and after countless latest virus and worm attacks on the home PC has become clear that it is not without legal rules work.

Meanwhile, every website operator to a proper imprint is required, which should reduce the misuse of the Internet. Also the competition has become one of the most important rights on the Internet. It regulates competition and restrictive trade actions and takes action against unfair competition. Also this should prevent monopolies and the economic stability can be achieved. So the contest is between the market participants with the ultimate objective of freedom to the merits.