Target Group Exactly

internetPost, press release mailing days 2011 works speakers dialogue marketing well, if the company along the process chain from the advertisers cooperate optimally to the consumer. The internetPost AG explained on the mailing days (8th and 9th June) in Nuremberg specifically for all those involved in the dialogue marketing, how effectively and efficiently can expand their business activities with digital postal services. No matter whether classical dialogue marketing letter or quick and efficient communication via a digital path to the customer are always several companies, agencies and service providers involved in, when it comes to contact with customers and prospects in dialogue for a smart marketing: advertising and information material must be media-specific designed and produced, target groups must be defined and procured addresses for shipping. Finally, the advertising must be transported to the recipient. The chain ranges from the advertising company through agencies, list brokers and lettershops up to postal Cooperation. Without hesitation celebrity trainer explained all about the problem. For efficient dialogue marketing everyone involved must work well together even if they have different interests.

“In the workshop digital postal services of luck and challenge for the dialog marketing” enters the internetPost exactly on these different interests and provides mailers (advertisers), agencies, list brokers, lettershops and postal sequences with pulse units. These occur as speakers: Andreas Schumann, CEO of internetPost AG, the liberalisation of the postal market as a company founder and Manager since, Walter Trezek, managing partner of document exchange network GmbH, technology and post professional for more than 25 years and link representative between the European Committee of standardisation and the Universal Postal Union for digital postal services, Birgit Wahl, Managing Director a + s DialogGroup GmbH, active for more than 25 years in dialogue marketing and list broking, and Christian Merten, journalist and Board member of the Association to the protection of interests of users”representing the recipient of digital post. Presentations at a glance: Time target topic 14:00-14:40 hrs shipper so your dialogue marketing costs and increase the impact of your online communications agencies 14:40 15:20 o’clock opening your customers digital access to a qualified target group 15:20 16:00 open list broker your customers digital access to a qualified target group & complete your portfolio to qualified opt-in the and leads 16 h 00-16 h 40 lettershop connect your business model on this digital letter box to and make your Customers competitive offers of 16:40 17:20 o’clock postal extend you your business model in the online world and operate the digital last Meil parallel interested participants can sign up here: profile internetPost AG the internetPost AG develops products in the field of digital postal services and transmits the traditional paper-based Post offers on the Internet. A digital home letter box serves as a core offering for it. This mailbox will receive comprehensive users self-government. They can both for their digital, as well as for your paper mail to decide whether and how they receive it in the future and wish to send.

To the right of disposal over the own data to strengthen, are user accounts and profiles in the Association for the protection of the interests of users”spun off. Thus, users get a powerful tool with which you can shape the services of internetPost. Their data are deprived of control of individual companies.