Treatment Corticosteroids

A less common reaction is the ear infection. You can help alleviate common allergies by vaccination and cleaning the areas where your dog spends most of the time (and his bed). Food Allergy: Dogs may also experience allergy to what they eat. And this kind of allergy is perhaps the most tedious to diagnose because food allergy can mimic any other allergies already mentioned. The first thing to do is remove all food ingredients that may be possible causes of allergy. You can do this by preparing a home cooked meal with lots of protein and ingredients that your dog has not eaten before. Add gradually (one at a time every week) more ingredients to the food. If symptoms return after adding a particular ingredient, allergen agent can be identified.

However, allergic reactions may not appear for a week after consuming the agent, so check with your veterinarian. Once you checked the ingredient, a balanced food acquired not own it (read the labels on the bags). Other symptoms of food allergy are vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes silibancias mood swings. Relief can help relieve your dog’s allergies bathing regularly (once a month). But contrary to what many people says, you should never bathe your dog too often, because it can cause dermatitis, hair loss and dullness.

Water help alleviate your dog’s skin and keep it healthy. Also rinse your body’s allergies. There are different types of shampoos available to treat allergies, depending of course on the particular condition of your dog. Treatment Corticosteroids are also useful to control allergies and to reduce inflammation in the skin of your dog. Although they can weaken the immune system a little, sometimes are necessary to treat allergies. Some side effects are increased appetite, thirst, and more likely to develop infections.