
Self-medication in the Black more. flows all around me Now I have reached the age when their own unusual events become merely a pretext for the memories My trip to the sea in 1982 and would be unremarkable event, if it had not appeared in my very first holiday in the south. Celebrity trainer may not feel the same. (Copyright history) 13-year-old boy, the blazing sun, sandy beaches, have never been seen before me, a girl in a bikini (though to me then it was of little interest), and friendly Sea. After a week off then I dove in with rapanom breakwater and struck a jellyfish. She slid from the neck to toe, I flew to the surface like a diver in the film were fired backwards: their feet up and immediately was on the breakwater. Dad immediately understood everything, grabbed me, and for eight minutes, ran to our house.

I had something like a light shock, and I could not say a word. Lay me down in bed and concealing cool cover, together with his mother rushed to find at least some medical care. I'm in the same breath udumal heal itself and pain crept into the cupboard. 'A good cognac, Ya-decided-will by the way. " One-third of the bottle, I simply poured himself for a moment and sat down to write an explanatory note to his parents at every fire.

Twenty minutes later, Dad came running from The doctor from a nearby nursing home, 'stings', that is, I was lying on the floor in shorts and a red back tightly drunk and happy something with a smile, apparently the pain departed. Note that was written in neat letters at first, and then giant squiggles lay on the table (little note to this day lies in a box with my documents). This is what it nakalyakano: 'Dad and Mom! I started to treat myself myself, you do not bezpOkoytis I fSyal Lida (owner rented the house) konyak and I drank it when I I bduu absaltyuno zdrovO___ '(on this note ends with a true mind and thoughts for the influence of brandy was separated from the body, giving him stupid to fall on the wooden floor). The doctor examined me sleepy, I'm sure the morning will be as fresh cucumber and ejected. In the morning I got up at exactly 10:00 am, nothing never hurt, even if stung by a jellyfish places. This one time, by the way, when the morning I do not suffer from gadskogo hangover. You will be able to read and other funny stories and stories: 'How in the usa have come up to fight pirates'.