Quartz Earthen

The quartz earthen bowls constitute a new dimension within the world of the vibration and the sound. They are based on the tradition of the use of the sound with metal earthen bowls in Tibet, India, China, Japan and other countries of East for hundreds of years for the meditation and the sanacin. With that purpose they have begun to be used at the end of the Eighties given his enormous resonance and to be able therapeutic. The quartz crystals can vibrate or oscillate of a regular form and have a molecular structure intern in spiral (very similar to the one of the DNA). This causes that the quartz earthen bowls have unique sonorous properties. They produce pure a sine wave and they create a multidimensional sound that expands until a kilometer of distance and that can last several minutes before being extinguished. ” The sound seems that it goes to an ear, soon to the other, soon behind, later seems that it comes from the ground. It is a natural surrounding sound! ” , Gaudry Normand says.

This sound happens through our body and it makes us vibrate. The vibrations produced by the earthen bowls of quartz activates our cells and penetrates deeply in all our being. Its sound surrounds the body like a wave, providing a experience similar to an enormously subtle massage or a deep and calm meditation. The people who undergo the effects of the Quartz Earthen bowls describe their experience like a great physical and mental relaxation, sensation to float, well-being, fullness important Produces unfreezing in the physical and power body, reason why they are used like an important therapeutic tool. The Dr.

Gaynor, North American oncology prestigious, when proposing a new paradigm for one more a medicine holistic mentions in the first place the use of ” crystal earthen bowls and other instruments in treatments in groups for patients with potentially mortal or chronic diseases, as much for the psychosomatic development for the physiological synchronization”.