Precious Pearl

Subsequentes on this day and days, I started to live to remember to me the poet who spoke of the waves of the sea. I started to dream, I do not know per how many days or months. .' ' wind says please, where hid My Amor' ' . I perceived readily what lacking it was me. During a good time, without knowing to need that time was this, all day, after the work, was seated, in mureta of the beach, hearing the waves of the sea, that wanted to say some thing to me and I did not perceive.

Already it was not sadder. A Joy took account of me, from there, I wise person who something Huge was for happening. It very felt a great Complicity between the Stars, the Moon, that appeared Fogosa, but of time for another one, not total. If it hid partially as that ashamed or perhaps, hiding its smile maroto, as wanting to alert to me for some thing. But already it did not import me in such a way, only imported me with my anxiety.

Night for Night, analyzed marota of the Moon, the stars, the blackout to the deep one, the waves of the sea, Yes. The breeze of the Sea. Breeze that goes in it and comes of the waves of the sea said meetings: it waits waits I started to dream: it saw a Sereia going and come with frequency and was so esplendorosa, that my eyes, still today, writing these lines, if humidify, lacrimejam of Love. the sound of the Breeze, mixed gone and the lives of the waves of the Sea, had never left to say me: it waits waits as in a last acknowledgment, vi My Sereia, always the same sereia, with a Precious Pearl to the Head, becoming it definitively, the Princess who I was waiting.