Natural Products

Your food should be your medicine and your medicine should be your food. (Hippocrates (460 – 377 BC) The man is today far from his true origins and has almost forgotten natural being. Fundamentally, the frenetic and unstructured life processes and conditions complicate a balanced diet. Although the media communicate comprehensive information about a healthy diet and professional nutritional advice offered, the trend towards fast food and harmful fast pace has been strengthened constantly. Who feels today in the globalized fast food to go \”society nor leisure, enough to move, let alone the desire for enzyme -, raw or 3 colors food of alkaline food? Is well aware that a healthy diet is essential for performance and well-being. Incorrect, one-sided and lush eating habits, lack of exercise, pollution, social disharmony and stressful life structures result in aging and the organic disorders, premature so the diseases of civilization. Obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, allergies and limited mobility require time clearly structured, disciplined and healthy dietary rules. A variety of health products is now to find on the market.

However, it seems to be extremely difficult to supply the body without having to sacrifice the love habits every day with the right nutrients. Lack of time and convenience are the reasons often prefer to supplements from the rod\”or synthetic, much too high dosed isolates to access. The increasing tendency to fast-food-drive-in carrier way of life, but also stress, sleep deficits, alcohol, drugs and nicotine to grow the need for nurturing, harmoniously matched balancing formulas. Extensive range of vital substances from pure nature composed only in a quite natural way and through a broad, precisely tuned active ingredient matrix, the at their release does not each block, but is in perfect synergy with each other, can body and mind in healthy line be brought. The range of photon-activated Nutrimental effect units illuminates not only the mental condition and animates the physical performance, but provides also the alimentary basis for youthful fresh look.