Holistic Quality

Now that holistic education is not a fashion education, or common, there are disciplines, not strategy, is an education for life, is balance based on spirituality, an integration of knowledge, art, science to create a culture of wisdom. With the master made a transformation, we are in a process of clarity, serenity, balance and fairness. Holistic The word comes from the Greek holos which means whole, which is consistent with the understanding of reality. Holistic education transforms our lives, not just a change in the way of being, intellectual, professional or interest, is a profound change that reaches to the essence of who we recognize and discover your true spirituality. In the course of the master holistic internal discovery, personally, did not change drastically, do not throw it all away, do not discard the lessons in this educational system mechanistic, only recognized my spirituality, integrating all its parts, I gave him the deserved importance to each party and discovered the meaning of life, personal mission, service to others. As experience in some sessions, we discussed the issue and mentioned that in our institution to ensure quality implemented the fullness of the student, we did not know how wrong we were and as our Institute, there are many companies that spend large sums of money in the certification quality, this issue was treated to the point of turning our dialogue in a debate, we were defending our position and idea, the quality was defended by those who practice this new certification, that’s where we see the little feeling that we have and the imposition the difference in dialogue and debate.