Healthy Hair

Hair is a clear illustration of the incredible diversity of people inhabiting our planet. For example, a tuft of hair on top of a fighter "Sumo" is so closely associated with his sporting activities, which solemnly cut off when a fighter ends his career. In Cambodia, the bride and groom traditionally make special haircuts to stave off the impact of newly-weds of evil forces. In Malaysia, the men against the law to wear long hair, but in the Indian state of Punjab, by contrast, face the death penalty a man with a short neat haircut. Since the hair – the dominant factor in external appearance, and through it we are trying to convey to others a emotional message. Therefore, beauty salons and barbershops will always be visited and the services that will give hair the best view will be in demand. And therefore, come to the fore the health of hair and the right care for them. Master of the beauty salon or hair stylist takes not only a consultant, he bears responsibility for the proposed methods and tools for the care and hair treatment.

Long hair is always played an important role and was the main attribute of female beauty. Even though the current trends and fashion for owners of long hair short hair caught on his envious glances. How could maximize hair growth? What factors that affect it? First and foremost, we must remember that hair growth depends on the data, which are incorporated in the genetic code.