
Emerges a new paradigm based on the perennial philosophy, education holistic that overcomes the old paradigms taking as a centre to humans and this to be aware of their realities worry not anything else by the, but also by the universe where he lives. This paradigm provides a vision of reality dynamic, complex and open to holistic education and with human sensitivity that overcomes the fragmented and mechanical vision of the 18th century. The perennial philosophy aims happiness is where we recognize ourselves as universal beings in interdependence with all, is why we find that more fully developed human beings were universal beings who embraced all beings without distinction. Here teaches us the fundamental Declaration of the your are that. There is duality between individual self and the universal being, which is to overcome the problem of individualism, the separateness. It shows us the broad guidelines for life, since her come the answers to various questions that we do throughout our lives. This philosophy helps us to recover the value of our planet giving us that it is a living organism and not a machine as shown in the mechanistic paradigm. It is the heart of education holistic that defines its meaning and mission.

Aldous Huxley He was one of the pioneers of this philosophy where reference is made to the spiritual wisdom that has been present through all of humanity and is the same not dogmatic essence shared by religions. Holistic education is a process to make us more aware that the world is a unity and not a whole, discovering who we truly are through direct inquiry. In the process holistic relate all our human potential: scientific, spiritual, artistic, social to name a few. A holistic educator does not see the student as a brain this processing only information in the classroom and that is only there to occupy a place but that he sees it as a possessor of a potential human being, as a spiritual being in search of a meaning, as a being full of various dimensions in their human experience.