Cultural Paradigm

Considering the aspects that involve the established culture and in the considered text, searched through this summary to demonstrate the personal agreement in relation to the boarded content: Desconstruo of Cultural History. Complementarily, aiming at to the understanding of the concepts of culture presented by the authors mentioned in the text-base, some of the paradigms involve that them, as well as the consequncias of in addition the same ones had been studied. In accordance with the thought proposal presented in the text of Cultural History, the culture can be understood as a complex of accomplishments of a people in such a way in the material aspects how much in the spirituals, related with the humanity in determined time and place. The culture also understands the apprehended knowledge and the human behavior. Abilities which independem of the biological question (Tylor, apud Silva and Silva). The cultural question must be understood of Holistic form, that is, must be considered all the Inter-relations of the components of the way where the individual and its culture are inserted, in full agreement with the Platonic thought ‘ ‘ All man is a social, cultural being and poltico.’ ‘ (PLATO, without date). It enters the theories of eurocntrico character, of which we are fruits, it is possible to perceive the influence strict on Darwin to the evolucionista character, therefore its defenders nailed a scale of cultural evolution, with stages to be fulfilled throughout the time, in way to reach definitive advance. The breaking or desconstruo of this generalista concept, in accordance with Good cited in the text-base (ARAJO, 2010), it elapses of the fact of that ‘ ‘ all culture has a history prpria’ ‘ , that is, each people, tribe, or social group, among others, has its particular form of culture that cannot or must be compared with other cultures..