Brazilian Ones

These relations of daily developed que3 you with the slaves were same of boundary line superiority, were exactly etnocntrica, not allowing that the ones that came slaves of another one continent, in the case of the African blacks, these could not exert its culture and nor its religions, as they made in its native land. These total lived isolated in one senzala, others in dungeon, and or in trunks, fulfilling chibatadas punishments leading, and being reason of laughs for all the ones that were there, and were part of the local community. But device Mr. was the form of them, to show excessively what he would be made with them if they tried to escape. In such a way if he cannot have a romantic vision of Brazilian settling, in the felt truth the true one of this word must be ' ' oppression, destruction, ' ' I believe that if it cannot give another name that has little, felt of what this. Everything this because the Portuguese crown intended, to explore the land that was taking ownership to produce its riquezas.e so that this became a reality, was necessary that it decimated the ones that this way liveed, for example the indians, exactly that it was in the works as occurred for varies times in the state of the Amap according to Fernando Saints. The blockhouse for being huge, slowly she was being constructed for the enslaved work of the black and the indian, with the natives used mainly in the transport of rocks in canoe, of the region of the river quarries, to the place where if construa the ortaleza of is Jose. The delay in its conclusion also elapsed for indifference of the Portuguese government, of intempries that they damaged for times what already was ready, and finished and the tropical endemic diseases that grassavam, and adoecendo and decimating many that in them worked.