The Existence

Thus, the perpetual search for the ideal love can be seen of formaintensa in its words, something of course human, but that nor all have aousadia of externalizar. To love and to be loved are so profcuo how much the existence daalma that it feeds the proper body, and when the absence if makes destrio gift purer smile of joy. This absence calls solitude, caracterizadapor a deep pain, phobia, incompletude, emptiness, blackout and desistance. It is perceived in its workmanship, mainly the published ones apartir of 1918 the 1930, the predominance for the use of soneto. Inside of metric and estrfica this pequenafrmula, it if feels to the will to transmit the suaperturbante and shady place interioridade. Its poetry is of one of flagrantesexemplos of poetry ' ' viva' ' , therefore it is born, vibrates and if she feeds of the real seumuito human case; of its too much porventura human case. According to Oliveira (1987: 50) are sing in it of love that Florbelaconstri poetical its more good made in the mixture of sadness and ternura, auto-complacencia pain ede, pranto and idyllic projection, of vocaoabenoada disaster and of, been born this I sing of a spoiled possibility and compensated pelanostalgia whose weakness and whose force comes of the fatality determines that it, as sepode to observe throughout verses of the poem ' ' Cantigas takes them ovento' ' of Florbela. The souvenir of your Inda kisses in minh' sad soul, As one has perfumed lost, In leves of a sad book. (…) Amar to who in them disdains sina that people have. Later, Oliveira (1987: 51) affirm despite atravsdos sad verses florbeliano, notice it dither of the directions, the doamor anxiety, the delirium of the meat, the ternura, the passion, the volpia, in linguagemdesinibida that it surpasses the hypocrisy and the conventions, poetry without precedentesentre the Portuguese, with egoistic tonalities however, however of a same sublimeabnegao of itself.