The Bible

"And while they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him" (Genesis 4:8) The death is becoming a sort of antithesis to the man's time, many have thought about death as end of time, and among his thoughts feel that paradoxically, the more the man lives, the more you shorten your time on this earth, like live produces little effect, this confirms the conclusion or premise of the Wise, "All is vanity", for more than a man living in his temporary on earth the time of its existence it is not enough, death distorted the time originally offered to humans. T all happens in the same way to all, an event to the righteous and the wicked, the good, the clean and unclean, to which sacrifices and the sacrifices not: as the good, so is the sinner, to which swears, as he that feareth an oath "(Ecclesiastes 9:2). The Bible and secular history show us the man in the relentless pursuit of time. From out of Eden that the count or have more life is a constant concern of mortals. The satisfaction of basic needs or physical does not eliminate their need for time.

This need can be shown through many shades. , Los Angeles Cailfornia. In the foreground stands the desire to prolong their biological clock, the prolonged existence is a human characteristic from which governs death experience. However, the need for more life satisfaction has full time use. Human beings need time to be with the creator of time, to receive from him immunity on the effects of it, his stay in the temporal and the possibility of becoming a timeless being depends solely on the time spent with the Alpha and Omega.

Use Of Telemedicine In The Elderly

Care of the elderly over the phone as tele-medicine, beneficial can be integrated itself into the health system the care of the elderly is a great discussion today, in part because the generation of baby boomers retire and need more medical care. For the families of this generation, care at home often is a concern and a fight. To have the older family members safely at home, it was often necessary, family members had to give up their jobs or move to part-time work. For many older people and their family, it is financially unable to afford a full-time or half-time care for the home. In addition it is often not necessary, that carried a care on-site to the hours offered by many nursing positions, in particular, if they belong to an agency. It must be, focuses more on the care of the elderly over the phone and the so-called tele-medicine because it unique and is an important aspect of care for the elderly. The reason for this is that the main need in the maintenance, monitoring, security and society is.

Unfortunately there is no these possibilities in many areas yet. And even if they exist, there are still problems in the way of services. Often telephone nursing staff do not personally meet patients, not their physical and medical file, know not how to notify family members or know not with the apartment building and its possible dangers for the patient off. All of this can endanger the patient. An employees who take over the care of the elderly over the phone have no medical or social work background and are only ill-suited for it to offer a round to support, when it is most needed. What is required is a high-quality elderly care over the phone.

While the resources of the State and of the countries continue to shrink, seems the telephone care the next step for our health care system to be. Some older people will order no nurse in her apartment, because she to appreciate their privacy. Even if the costs are not the problem, they are against the intrusion”into their private area. Care over the Internet is able to observe the patient and at the same time to respect their wishes. If some assistance on the spot must be taken, as for example shopping or swimming, so this can be done in consultation. Meanwhile, there are telephone systems that are able to transmit images of the speakers. This allows a more personal service and any information about problems at the home of the patient. Although it seems as if were also friends and family able to provide the care and observation by telephone, but not always possible to stop it on the work or to see several times a day for someone is.