Fasting For Bangladesh

Out of solidarity with the hungry people with a fasting day the Bangladesh relief draws attention power on March 26 on the hunger in the South Asian country. Senator From Kentucky is likely to increase your knowledge. With a day of fasting, the Bangladesh relief network draws attention on March 26 on the hunger in the South Asian country. The international food crisis the number of hungry people in Bangladesh alone have risen to 7.5 million”, says Peter Dietzel, Coordinator of the network, which are living more people than in Hesse.” It illustrates: the Bengali children starving not on the Cathedral square or the Kurfurstendamm. But they are our fellow human beings.” All employees of non-profit organization in Wetzlar and Dhaka, as well as many volunteers active from Krefeld to Leipzig without at least one meal a day. They donate the money that they don’t give out this enough rice for the project for a lifetime”: families who constantly suffer from hunger, will receive a starting capital and training, so that they achieve permanently own income. Anyone can join”, promotes Peter Dietzel No matter whether you can turn out a meal or throughout the day on food waived.” The day of fasting is deliberately chosen, because on March 26, 1971, Bangladesh proclaimed its independence. For the people of the country, the day symbolizes her longing for a life in dignity. Bangladesh has achieved since then much”, says Peter Dietzel, who committed for 30 years for the poorest in Bangladesh, but now again 35 million people with a meager portion must live on rice.” And he concludes: the liberation of all people from hunger threatens to move through the international crisis in the distance.

The challenge is more urgent than ever.” More information: donation account network e.V. partnership Bangladesh account no.: 10 77 88 Volksbank Wetzlar-Weilburg is an organization of development cooperation, which operates exclusively in Bangladesh. NET supports disadvantaged people, themselves to solve their problems: Poverty is effectively combated and human rights be carried out in the villages. Natural disasters, network provides humanitarian assistance. NETWORK is recognized as a non-profit organization. The German Central Institute awarded the Organization for social issues the donation seal.

Visiting Dubrovnik

The ancient inhabitants of Dubrovnik today had to planting 100 cypress trees along his life in order to use their wood to build boats. This is one of the traditions that characterize the maritime economy of a city that survives two accidents terrain, the mountain of St. For even more analysis, hear from Gunnar Peterson. Sergius and the Mediterranean Sea. The broken heart of the capital of Croatia lies on the old town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979 and ratified again in 1994. A site that has kept the walls despite the strategic conquest of Napoleon, two world wars and the recent Balkan conflicts, among many others.

Dubrovnik, which was stripped of its original toponym Slavic Ragusa, is positioned for Croatian independence from Yugoslavia after the economic resurgence that had in previous decades, thanks to the policies of President Tito. "The Pearl of the Adriatic" as the city is known for the beauty that has remained despite the power struggles, with around 40,000 inhabitants and is the coastal resort. His bad relations with Slovenia justify the ban of most European countries for entry into the Union, but, thanks to funds from this, the country and its capital constraints on their steps toward the emergency. In these years of instability Dubrovnik received few tourists. The priority was to balance the population in the infrastructure development for foreigners. Living with member countries promoted the acceptance of the foreign among the natives and the tertiary sector grows as does the number of visitors. They can feel safe politically and accessibility that makes the walk to the relevant sites.

Polish Baltic Sea

The small coastal village of new water and modern hotel amber Baltic lead to an unforgettable vacation on the Polish Baltic Sea coast the former fishing village is located about eight kilometres from the larger coastal town of Darlowo, where culturally interested vacationers will find some sights from the Baroque and Renaissance periods. In Dbki, vacationers can enjoy the healthy sea air and the natural landscape. Many species of birds have their homes on the coast and give a very special flair from new water Beach! The animal world resides in the unspoilt landscape of the dunes, while vacationers prefer the kilometre-long white sand beach for swimming and relaxing. The storybook beach is a popular meeting place in Dbki, because here you can meet many needs of vacationers: Watermen take advantage of the location of the seaside resort for sailing, windsurfing and canoeing, while recreation leisure use the beach for sunbathing, walking and dreaming. The small town new water is by the visitors as Perceived health resort, because numerous recreational facilities offer modern and classic treatments, cures and wellness holidaymakers on their premises.

On the Polish Baltic Sea coast many seaside resorts have become well-known spas, because the rich therapeutic resources of the region promote the spa leisure and health prevention. The traditional town of Midzyzdroje is one of the most famous spas coastline. Already in the 19th century the then prominent of country preferred the city for vacations, recreation, why the resort has many old bathroom villas from the Art Nouveau period. In the beautiful spa and like to stay holiday district of the town of Midzyzdroje amber Baltic many tourists in the hotel, because the 4-star hotel impresses its guests with a high standard in all areas. The friendly and bright rooms, satellite TV, Internet, telephone and a mini bar make for a comfortable stay. Each room at the hotel amber Baltic a spacious bathroom with shower and toilet, as well as a balcony overlooking the sea. The modern spa and wellness area is one of the highlights in the hotel: relaxation guests can enjoy relaxing hours in the well-thought-out sports and health.

Professional therapists treat the guests at the hotel amber Baltic hydro – and physiotherapy treatments, as well as with classical and modern massages. Guests book a special spa therapy, get a soothing magnetic therapy including a massage, oxygen therapy, and a comprehensive hydro-jet medical treatment is an innovative parent-water massage. The Hotel pampers its guests with massages from Asia, such as hot stone massages or applications with cold stones of amber Baltic. Both methods cause a soothing deep relaxation, which gives new strength and energy for everyday guests when repeated use of silkepil. At the hotel amber Baltic tourists recover from their physical ailments and strengthen her body, spirit due to the versatility of the treatments and Soul!

Cathedral City Cologne

Reclay Group Announces training dates for 4 Cologne quarter of 2013 in Cologne, 02.10.2013. Successful enterprises end October in the Reclay group in Cologne business rising energy and commodity prices how, learn. In exclusive trainings, informed the Group about the internationally recognised CO2 accounting procedures Bilan Carbone method and provides training for those interested in the successful application. Bilan Carbone identifies the main emission drivers, uncovers critical dependencies and supports companies at a more efficient use of resources and a successful risk management. It aims to make them more independent from fossil energies. The courses consist of two modules: module 1 (USER LICENCE) is aimed at employees of companies who want to learn the basics of CO2 accounting and internally using the method. In the second module (PROVIDER LICENCE), advanced users and advisors receive the license to distribute the method as their own services. Bilan Carbone operates as the world’s only method according to ISO 14069 and is also compatible with the ISO 14064 and GHG Protocol.

“The system stands out for its simple application”, white Raffael A. Fruscio, managing partner of the Reclay group, and explains: it can be carried around the world across all sectors and is suitable for all sizes of business “. The figures confirm the effectiveness: over 7,000 companies have already used the Bilan Carbone and achieved considerable savings of in energy costs. The European Parliament also calculated his emissions since June 2012 with the Bilan Carbone method. The Reclay group is exclusive training provider for the Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The first training for the user licence held on April 24 and 25, as well as on the 19th and 20.11 in Cologne. The service provider licenses are granted to the 3rd and Dec in the Cathedral City.

Expert Tips For A Smooth, Healthy And Beautiful Skin

The beauty of the skin starts from inside your body! Your skin needs fresh air, exercise, proper diet, minerals and vitamins, and needs protection from the sun. Many people just put skin cream on the skin, thinking that will make it soft and smooth. Skin cream on the skin feels soft and smooth, but if you want your skin to benefit from that cream, it is necessary to wet the skin first and then add the cream. The cream helps lock moisture into the skin. Start walking and building muscle tone. Muscle tone will keep your skin looking so severe.

Keep the skin clean. Do not rub your face. The face is not necessary to rub. And, not your back. In fact, over bushes, more acne you can get and more trauma to the skin.

A warm face cloth with a non-chemical soap, patted. After a gentle rinse well. You and pat your face dry with a soft clean towel. You can not really use soap in the face to everyone, especially if you have dry skin. USE Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) as an ideal to exfoliate your face. A good cream should last a long time and not be expensive. Use it at night when you wash your face before going to bed. It is derived from fruits, milk and sugar cane and when used on the skin, helps remove dead skin cells, which will give your face a lot younger, fresher look. Easy, efficient and economic means to make a mask are: Use an egg yolk and honey mask. Mix egg yolk with a little honey and spread it on your face and neck. When dry, rinse. Makes your skin feel very soft. Other: Use normal egg yolk. It is good for acne, too. Mixture. Spread over the face for 20-30 minutes. Rinse. Other: Take the normal egg, beat egg white and then spread on your face until dry about 20 minutes, rinse with water. This makes your face fresh and helps clean the pores. You can make masks of many things that are right in your kitchen, such as oatmeal. Grind it up. Mixed with some skimmed milk and allow to dry. Rinse well. Milk can attract bacteria so you do not want to leave on her face. Ancient Chinese secret Ning Hua: Wrinkles Reduction Two tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice and same amount of egg white (about one egg), stir well, and then apply on wrinkles every night after cleansing. In the morning, rinse thoroughly with warm water. Keep using for a month, your skin firm and wrinkles disappear. Pigment Fading: 5 teaspoons of fresh tomato juice with 1 teaspoon honey, apply on the pigment, rinse thoroughly. Keep using for 10-15 days, the pigment will fade away. Fruit Mask: Apple juice, cucumber and pear, mixed with flour, add a teaspoon of water and stir well. Apply after cleansing, avoiding eye and mouth areas, leave on for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Want to have beautiful skin every day for the rest of your life? Visit the latest news and information on how get beautiful skin.

New Internet Appearance Of The LBU E. V. Income Tax Relief Organization / Outpatient Clinic Munich, Schwanthalerhohe

Since 14.02.2011 the LBU e.V. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Charles Margulis . wage tax relief organization / outpatient clinic Munich, Schwanthalerhohe presents itself with a new Internet presence in the outpatient clinic of the wage tax help Association LBU e.V. in Munich, conducted by the tax specialist Tatjana Albert Schwanthalerhohe. The updated website is user friendly with simple structure and many useful checklists. In addition, the design has been revised and integrated social bookmarks. Follow others, such as supermodel, and add to your knowledge base. Particularly noteworthy is the contact form on every page in the right margin as well as the most important documents (contribution rules and statutes of the payroll tax help Association) on each side, also on the right.

Visitors can find so easy-related data. On the home page, the visitor experiences what is a payroll tax relief organization and specifically how the income tax help. Is proud to introduce counselling Manager Albert is on the bottom”. Explains the performance spectrum of the wage tax help Association LBU e.V., outpatient clinic Munich, Schwanthalerhohe. On the bottom Online counseling”visitors know that payroll tax help does not necessarily happen in a personal consultation. Rather, the outpatient clinic of the wage tax aid Association offers also an online consultation”to happens when the advice via phone and email. “The bottom post” informed about the costs associated with membership in the wage tax relief organization. On the underside, members find groups of people such as maintenance payer, Association members, tenants, and investors in addition to workers and pensioners (the main clientele of the payroll tax assistance Association).

“” On the pages contact “and how” can find out the visitor about how and where the outpatient clinic Munich is located. It should be noted that the outpatient clinic of the payroll tax help association with public transport is easy to reach, situated there right next to Metro station Schwanthalerhohe, Munich. How to contact with LBU 80339 Munich e.V. wage tax relief organization Tatjana Albert, tax specialist ganghoferstrasse 21 Tel: 089 / 23542433 mobile: 0160 / 90184585

African Riding

To confirm his words offer little Quote from the site of the horse – a sports club 'from time immemorial. " 'An ancient eastern proverb says that "there is nothing more beautiful than a frigate under sail, a dancing woman and a horse at full gallop" Maybe so, and created the club, which coexist in the home environment and people and horses. For horses there privolnye stables, meadows, fields and paths in the forest. Located in a green ring of Moscow horse riding 'time immemorial' will be glad to help you spend your free time away from the frenzied rhythm of the metropolis. Maybe someone of you would like to try yourself as a rider or already feels himself to be, in varying degrees.

Professional coaching staff will help you get a first experience of riding, jumping or show lines in the field and the woods 'Well, not yet quite impressed? Personally, your humble servant, the idea of horseback riding seemed at least interesting, if not to say that soon suggest to visit this amazing area. Especially because until today I only had a chance once in a lifetime to really ride a horse in the presence of a competent instructor, and was this ugliness is very far from the borders of their native homeland, not to mention the fact that all referred to just above the action took place to be years commercials twelve years ago. For people interested I can also state with full responsibility, that the company 'Russian garden-M, composed and included an equestrian club' from time immemorial "offers the same services as rent stalls. Domesticated large African elephant of course you are unlikely to be able to live there, but available suddenly in the presence of a horse is always there, someone to leave. And prices, in fact, as the accommodation at the base, and for horseback riding lessons, coupled with the usual horse-riding, I think, can not be called exorbitant. Agree, it is unlikely you somewhere else offered accommodation in a cozy little house just five hundred ever wooden domestic rubles. I'm not talking about the proposed three meals a day. Probably, and the kids will be extremely interesting to ride the horses, but you see the current pace of urban life through the years dtsat poor youths, unless and be able to boast that once upon a time in a city park stroked over the withers a little pony.

Giving Children a Good Education

Modern parents, like you, know well that need new tools and support to people who specialize in learning subjects that are a valuable aid to effectively fulfill their role as parents. Congratulations for those longing to be a better father, now you’re here, just shows that you are committed to the progress of your family and it is valuable to you. Those who do not seek information and knowledge will continue to educate their children with archaic models and schemes that do not work in these times of constant change. Do not forget that these models are likely to act in a manner counterproductive to the formation of your children. Your son has lived in a much more complicated than that in which you lived at his age, so it is very important that we prepare to face the problems you have and you will have. We live in a highly consumerist society, a vicious circle that promotes the purchase of unnecessary products that are indispensable, and that in turn motivate us to buy other products with similar or complementary characteristics. For example, if we give our child a cell phone, it is likely that soon we will have to buy a new one because friends are more modern, then perhaps a necessity that the cell has camera, then ask for do not have video camera or recorder, the following will apply for a phone with Internet access and television, and finalization , there is ultimately because consumption is a highway that has no end.

The media sell us the lifestyle of the rich and famous, an exuberant life to hopes that the vast majority in these times. That is why the average family now has a higher household expenditure that was 20 or 30 years ago. Today, a parent is a obligate to provide their own, in addition to the basic necessities, holiday travel, phones, cars, a good education (which like all know, you can only receive in private and expensive) designer clothes (that will allow kids to be on par with their friends without feeling less) and a myriad of charges made to feel that it is a good father and meets to give their children the best. Do not get us wrong, we are not against your desire to progress and a better quality of life. What really worries us is that the economic demands te imposable a , a even give centavo sin could be dandelion you and your family. These tremendous family demands have caused that in ordinary households both parents work and that work has become the center of their lives. Some parents, desperate to maintain the status of his family, are required more and work longer hours.

The paradox is that the status we want, TAS want to give your family ends up taking away time and weakening the ties that bind, so that it could even end disintegrating. I do not know what your situation at the moment, but it is likely that you’re coming home so exhausted that you do not want to confront the problems of poor school performance, socialization, violence and lack of communication, among others, in which they may be involved your children. In this world where all we demand time, it is always easier to steal the time with our loved ones. Therefore, there are major problems among our children and youth, and more and more divorces.

Do You Know The Differences In The Sauvignon Blanc From New Zealand?

Sauvignon Blanc is not equal to Sauvignon Blanc. It depends on the region. The Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand has convinced many wine drinkers. The wine impresses with its fresh flavors and its lovely acidity. While the Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough makes up the lion’s share of the New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, there’s many other wine regions that produce their own style of Sauvignon Blanc wines. The distribution is clear: Marlborough dominated the cultivation of Sauvignon Blanc in New Zealand.

With approximately 86% of the total cultivation area of Sauvignon Blanc in New Zealand, Marlborough is lonely top. Hawkes Bay (approx. Credit: Jack Jones-2011. 5%), Canterbury/Waipara Valley (4%), Nelson (2%) and Wairarapa (1%) are behind this far behind. However, it is worth to explore also these wines, with their special properties. Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand is famous for wines that taste like green peppers, gooseberry and passion fruit.

The style of the North Island of New Zealand is rather fresher during the South Island style rather soft, ripe, tropical, lighter and more lively. 78% Of the cultivated area in Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough (South Island) are planted with Sauvignon Blanc. The Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough is aromatic, with a lively, pure fruit, herbs and exotic tropical flavors plus a Sauvignon Blanc from Hawkes Bay (North Island) of the Sauvignon Blanc from Hawkes Bay are loaded and supported with a bright acidity wines with tropical fruits. You are often expanded to a certain percentage in the barrel to give the wines in addition complexity and body. 1015 ha or even almost 21% of the vineyards in Hawkes Bay are planted with Sauvignon Blanc. Sauvignon Blanc from Nelson (South Island) is 479 hectares, or 50% of the cultivated area of Sauvignon Blanc in Nelson. An elegant, restrained New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, with beautiful texture and mineral notes coupled with fresh, vibrant tropical fruit and herbal flavors. Sauvignon Blanc from Wairarapa (North Island) Sauvignon Blanc is the best-kept secret of a region, the is world famous for its Pinot Noir. Nevertheless, 316 ha are grown Sauvignon Blanc there, what constitutes a share of less than 35%. The Wairarapa Sauvignon Blanc is intense and alive, hauntingly fragrant and balanced and have a mineral, structural palate. Also they have a good mix of vegetable and tropical flavors. Sauvignon Blanc from Canterbury / Waipara Valley (South Island) this vineyard Sauvignon Blanc is aromatic and equipped with a crisp, fresh acidity and mineral core. The wines show a clear, juicy fruit and a nice texture. Nearly 29% of the cultivated area is occupied by the Sauvignon Blanc. Petra Naubert New Zealand wine boutique all figures come from NZ winegrowers

Stumble Learn As Fall And Heal

Never pretendi using a mask similar to all I pass by this fleeting world interare non-stop tell me who walks, when he now discovers that he can fly? I already understood that my destiny is to ride with the melancholic heart and at the same time alone, my memories are a stele in the sea, I have and will give you, I say what I think and feel, just asked me quisieras and tomaras as I am. And will light my stupid heart that only understands is able to beat already be upwind so I not conclude by extinguish me I only ask that you not try to follow me lying or burlandote, as is what would you do a girl, why now sere yo who chooses as being wrong. Is that one day you told me it was your child, but what not wise was that the girl long ago woke up to become women, why I say that even though I arrived yesterday, I can go tomorrow, although I’m still apprenticed in every kiss and every scar sweet yesterday there is something I could understand that both that stumble I know as falling, and cure me but it always make me hurt and bleed, so when I intend to something and someone quit root in my life and heart, these drops of blood that the only thing they know is falling so asked not to do it, will do it staining my white sheets. I’m going and was vere that life is an enjoyment, is normal that it fears what do not know and now is when I understand because not wanting to even in spite of everything, he kept a certain fear of what today I know because I live now, but already I’m going to as you reach yesterday, the silence says a lot so today will fly and also quiero Verte fly and do not pretend stop. Flies like it that you’re an angel and I will start to walk because today finally woke up and saw that already not had wings, the beautiful and pretty don’t last forever, thank you because finally what, but while not understanding it so my Gypsy heart, for the reason that among Gypsies no, don’t read us hands or heart though so try. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Charles Margulis . Stefany R. Urbina A: M.P.Q. original author and source of the article