Oral Selfexamination

Oral self-examination. What can do you yourself stop clear something from the beginning, oral cancer develops in an anatomical area where can be diagnosed early, and control in a high percentage of cases. It is therefore a failure for any health system every injury escaping diagnosis early. Early diagnosis is crucial for the treatment to be effective and reduce the complexity and the magnitude of the same. There are two ways to get it.

One, the periodic professional oral examination with a frequency determined by individual risk factors (the most important, man smoking more than 40 years, examination every six months) and the oral self-examination, which is monthly and systematic exploration carried out by oneself of the mouth, which is not a substitute for the professional examination periodic but complementary. It must be clear that the best is the professional examination, therefore for good to carry out self-diagnosis some regions of the oral cavity as the posterior third of the tongue, the soft palate and tonsils are difficult auto explore. Now well, regards to the lips, gums, cheek, the anterior part of the floor of the mouth and small areas that are behind the wisdom teeth may be examined with reasonable accuracy. Although oral self-examination is a method aimed at detecting oral cancer also discover other alterations, in fact is what usually happens, since during the self-examination will reveal other problems that need professional supervision or treatment to maintain health. Self-examination systematically makes the person become more familiar or auto training increasingly over time increases the experience and ability to recognize variations of the normal structures of the mouth in this way is gaining efficiency until you get to recognize any variation than usual very early. Self-diagnosis is fundamentally geared to detect so-called signs of alarm.