Anatomy Body

From Weimar, the company presented two walk-through exhibits at CeBIT with the heart model organs and brain model. Weimar (20.03.2012) on the grounds of the Deutsche Messe AG found from 6 to 10 March 2012 the world’s most important event of the digital economy held: CeBIT 2012.Besucht she was of more than 4,200 companies from about 70 countries. Including the BOH – walk-in organs & health GmbH from Thuringia, which had a booth in Hall 8 with truly great anatomy. From Weimar, the company presented two walk-through exhibits at CeBIT with the heart model organs and brain model. Cindy Crawford: the source for more info. A high number of visitors at the booth allowed the young company to match its own considerations with the idea of examples from practice. The findings are thought continues this year on the basis of new exhibits in various construction projects and implemented. Specialized one has GmbH the BOH – walk-in organs & health on the appearance of truly great anatomy.

Please once the body around, then down this aisle”while Visitors to the anatomy and functioning of organs heart and brain could find out the five-day event. The visitors in the body slipped into it, he is practically inside one’s own body. And maybe it just the fascination for many visitors to the exhibits is: your body in XXL size. The close interaction of Anatomy, medicine and design is easy to understand, which the visit of the institutions also for laymen is worthwhile. The technical usage indispensable for progress in the medical diagnostics produces increasingly finer treatment options.

The way that time is often complex and scientific terms alone give no image, what happens in the body when an implant is inserted or organs developing after infection. Therefore, it is necessary to think about this description is still possible by any other means. Fit to the truly great Anatomy, the exhibits with multimedia features are equipped or modular. Enabling complex operations such as appearance, movement, Language production and understanding for example about an incorporated Control Panel on the body brain model are made visible and comprehensible. “Symptomatic onset epileptic seizures at the frontal brain tumor sudden electrical activity of nerve cells in response to the foreign tumor eye tissue surrounding the tumor” are represented by means of LED flash lights. A contact expert answers questions about the presentations and explains the figures exhibit if required multilingual. As the brain model, the walk-through heart with a height of 4.50 m can not only fascinate but also thought-provoking. Shows how it looks when the heart has a defect and then an artificial aortic valve was used. The detailed view into the Interior of the body will contribute to an active patient information on symposia, health fairs and conferences in the future.