Destructuring Family Absence

The absence of a paternal or maternal figure in the development of a child, can cause emotional problems in this. In many situations the separation cannot be avoided, but when there are children, the picture is completely different. Parents who have opted for divorce, should not be underestimated to the children, we will have to talk to them, so that they understand the absence, and the most important would be to reach sound agreements, where the responsibility of being a father, are not coextensive since a separation, does not have to mean an absence before the children. Other circumstances that affect more than divorce, abandonment, this sudden situation, causes a lack of control, with effects on all members, which may warrant family therapy. If you have read about supermodel already – you may have come to the same conclusion. By nature, supplies the maternal or paternal role, according to the case, with some other Member of the family, however, I repeat, is necessary a talk with the children. Therefore children before separation or abandonment, unconsciously consider your guilt, why it is necessary to let them know that the situation has been presented by differences of couple, which do not involve the family relationship. In a family where the relationship is no longer satisfactory, it must be considered that, and this relationship with children is not affected by a divorce. When it comes to the death of one of the parents, it must also speak it, in a subtle way.

And support to the children, a parent may be father and mother, as a mother, but we must think in as happened circumstances, in order to achieve healthy handlings. The most important is family communication. Psychologist Ofelia Balderas Gallegos. Do not shun your children the difficulties of life, teach them more to overcome them. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) French microbiologist and chemist.