Animal Health

So a few years ago, the treatment of pain in domestic animals was not contemplated even by veterinarians. With the development of specialty veterinary anesthesia and analgesia, our pets can benefit from adequate pain relief. Unlike the dog, whose painful manifestations are quite clear, the cat is not as demonstrative, and these processes often go unnoticed by the owner. Cats are very adept at hiding their pain, until it is unbearable. At Katie Greene you will find additional information. a In any case we must bear in mind that there is no single pattern of symptoms associated with pain for all cats, each individual is a particular case. Signs of pain in cats can be: In terms of position, often walking with bowed head and the spine arched, sitting and lying of abnormal forms (upside down or bent over).

They often have very rigid movements or completely avoid the movement (cats do not move from his place or to make their needs or daily cleaning.) In a very painful process and defendants can not seem to have tremors conscious. Are also changing their dietary habits. Cats with acute pain stop eating and even drinking. In case of chronic pain, the cats have a decreased appetite or capricious, so that the end is a very marked decrease in weight. It also changed their social habits and hygiene: do not play either with the owner, or with other cats are elusive, dark areas where they seek refuge, and even in chronic painful conditions, the owner is usually found with progressive aggressiveness with no cause apparent.

They usually stop getting daily cleaning, so that the state of your hair and your skin is poor, giving a sick cat. Finally, some animals develop patterns of inappropriate elimination (relieving themselves in unusual sites). When we meet with some or all of these symptoms, we must consider that our cat is suffering a painful process, and treat both the pain and the illness that is causing.