Winter Fat

The winter fat away even when dogs not only we humans have fed us the one or two grams too much on the hips in the winter, put in too many dogs in the cold season of weight. The reason is lack of exercise by poor weather conditions in conjunction with high power. To keep the dog healthy, Bertha: must get off the extra pounds. Leipzig, 21 February 2013. What looks perhaps harmless, can cause long-term health damage. Because as humans, obesity in dogs can lead to heart and circulatory problems, joint problems and diabetes. After all, about 28 percent of all dogs are now too thick.

Treats, snacks and too little movement: the owners are mostly blame the pounds: it is difficult many dog owners to set the appropriate amount of food and rewards for their dog. So is it easy to excess supplies. “, says the vet of the Leipziger futalis GmbH Stefanie Schmidt. Also exercise is important for weight loss However dog owners should promise is not too much of it. Especially when the dog is severely overweight, wild ball games hurt the joints rather than that it helps with the weight loss? “Most likely the calorie-reduction movement in the water suitable according to Schmidt: the muscle is strengthened, because due to the resistance of the water makes the body an enormous effort and thus contributing to the fat – and calorie-burning without excessive stress on the joints.” However, an elaborate diet plan is much more important than a sports program. It is important to tune the feed exactly to the needs of the dog. For many dog owners feed more than necessary, vet said from experience know: consistency and discipline must be. Only if the energy supply is reduced, it may cause a weight loss.” Patience is also important: depending on your starting weight, it takes several weeks, until the ideal weight is reached.

Fixed eating times, exactly calculated rewards and healthy movement: With an optimally adjusted diet is with to calculate a weight loss of 1-1.5% per week. And keep out the yo-yo effect must also then be taken on a needs-based diet and adequate exercise. Futalis the futalis GmbH offers dog owners customized feed that is tailored for each order on the individual nutritional needs of the dog. On the basis of nine scientifically-based criteria calculated futalis the exact nutrient needs of a dog and produces a feed with individual recipe. The entire production process is subject to the highest quality standards and has been accredited by the TuV according to the GMP + standard B8. One such customized feed contributes to nutrition-related problems, such as, for example, growth disorders, obesity, urinary stones, to avoid allergies or digestive disorders. The futalis GmbH was founded in November 2011 the vet Stefanie Schmidt and the two entrepreneurs Janes Potthoff and Christian Hetke. You will work closely with the Institute for animal nutrition, Feeding damage and dietetics from the University of Leipzig and farmers of the Association for the German dogs together, to guarantee permanently high quality of forage. Contact: futalis GmbH Katharinenstrasse 17 D-04109 Leipzig Nadine Fasshauer Tel: 0341/3929879-1 fax: 0341/3929879-9 E-mail: Web: press


Relax shoulders Yes, Yes, I say it. First article in the face of this new cycle in my life and in Xocs, in which the use of the tools offered by the Internet, wanted to make a brief reflection about the importance of our posture in front of the computer, since I hope you spend good time reading articles, shall abound as commenting on them or participating in our Facebook page. The computer has taken a major role in our lives, both for the development of our work and to search for information, entertainment you’ve stopped to think how many hours a week are sitting in front of the screen? If only use you as information/communication point probably a minimum of 5-10 hours per week. If you are of those who work with him, surely that they are more than 40. We could delve into both physical and psychological problems that may cause this computer overload, from circulatory deficit in the legs, tendinitis in a shoulder or eye strain, up to addiction to Internet or problems in our social life. Gunnar Peterson insists that this is the case. But let us focus on what hurts us most: back.

Let’s see the important thing is to maintain a proper posture while you check your Inbox, install the latest version of iTunes or purchasing a new experience in Disfrutalia. Let’s start with the foundations, the pelvis. Sit on the Ischia, note the pressure under those two small bones protruding from the bottom of the pelvis. She will mark the direction to be followed by the rest of his companions – cervical, dorsal, lumbar and sacral – of our postural axis, the vertebral column. Therefore, do not fall into sofa posture sitting you on the sacrum. If the pelvis is balanced, the rest will be easier. Lumbar and dorsal vertebrae are the mules of our trunk load. So keep them upright using the back of your seat, this higher being better.