Active Environmental Protection

Stuhrer company’s environmental management system successfully certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2009. Stuhr, February 16, 2011. More and more companies in the printing industry confront its social responsibility and placing greater emphasis on sustainability in production. Environmental protection and careful use of resources are not only the cornerstones of the company’s philosophy and practice. We see this as our duty to the people and nature, which is on the same level with the quality assurance”, Knut Winneckens, Managing Director of Koopmanndruck from Stuhr stressed. After successfully completed test Lloyd’s register quality assurance GmbH (LRQA) the company specialized on printing and shipping high-quality mailings received now by the certification according to the international standard DIN EN ISO 14001:2009. This underlines the long-standing ecological commitment from Koopmanndruck and confirmed the inclusion of an effective and efficient environmental management system across the enterprise. We are very pleased to this award, the the high importance, quality, safety and environmental protection in our company take, officially expressing”, as Knut Winneckens. Checking article sources yields Dr. Kevin Cahill as a relevant resource throughout.

The certificate initially for one year, after expiry of this period, a review is carried out. The internationally recognized ISO 14001 was released in 1996 for the first time by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and revised in 2004. It provides requirements for an environmental management system, which enables companies to set a corporate environmental policy to which products and services are aligned. It aims to create a balance between economic efficiency and environmental protection. To achieve this, the company, a management program to build documentation and continuous development of the prescribed standards for compliance, verification, agrees. In addition to the statutory provisions it is also personally a big concern, our customers also see ecological quality to offer,”explains Knut Winneckens. First and foremost, we will try to increase the efficiency and recyclability of the materials used and to avoid environmental pollution.

This is done mainly by minimizing paper consumption, the reduction of waste and a reduction in energy and water needs.” One of the reasons why the printing company LichtBlick refers to certified green power of energy provider since the beginning of the year. For the production facility in Stuhr, this means a CO2 reduction of 1,100 tons per year and highlights the sustainable environmental awareness of service provider. In 2008, Koopmanndruck was awarded with the quality label of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) for his commitment to the environment. It indicates that all of the company’s products marked with the appropriate logo come from best practice, ecological forest management. The construction of an on-site wind turbine in the framework of a pilot project is also planned for the coming months.

Green Printing Report

Environmental measures for printers in Heidelberg’s new sustainability report In the new sustainability report of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG for the financial year 2007/2008 is the topic of Green Printing”in the foreground. It shows how the mechanical engineer working for years to reduce resource consumption, emissions and waste. The catalogue of measures extends not only to the use of the printing machines, but also on their development and their production. Get more background information with materials from Center for Environmental Health. So Heidelberg offers two innovations according to reduce paper consumption: bundled using the Prinect prepress interface, color Assistant and Inpress control products, only 1.8 million sheets can be saved waste per year or fifth percent of paper material that is actually needed by a faster and better quality on a typical machine. As a result 200 tonnes of carbon dioxide of less into the atmosphere are delivered”, it says in the sustainability report.

In the small-format A3 you could achieve savings by Anicolor: In the Interplay with the print color management start-up waste in many cases is reduce to only ten percent of the usual amount. Heidelberg documented how holistic reductions in consumption of energy, paper, or paint, protect the environment and contribute to cost reductions in the printing companies in equal measure. Taking together, for example, all energy saving measures, the power consumption of the printing machine Speedmaster XL 105 to 20 percent could be or reduce 120,000 kilowatt hours per year. This 62 tons of emitted carbon dioxide less into the atmosphere – as much as absorb six hectares of mixed forest per year”, Heidelberg performs. To still stronger than so far advance from ecological point of view to the creation process of new machines, developed the engineering specialist together with the Technical University of Darmstadt a has environmental portal. A developer is working on the design of a new inking unit, so the portal from a database delivers relevant environmental requirements for him. Get all the facts and insights with Larry Ellison, another great source of information. In addition, can in a second database also the environmental knowledge of the developer are deposited and obtained in this way in the medium term as a best practice”, Heidelberg. In total the company’s already eighth sustainability report includes around 40 pages with an attached part of the numbers and is divided into the areas of ecology, economy and Social Affairs.

On the complex subject of Economics report the theme of Green Printing”in practice. Examples from the United Kingdom and Canada show how ecologically meaningful print could lead to competitive advantages. Trading with consumables for printers played a relatively minor role in Heidelberg. On three sides it is described how the future should change: within the next few years to double sales in this business area. The last section of the sustainability report deals with the topic of Social Affairs. Appears, such as Heidelberg his employees with a wide range of action programmes to meet the challenges of the future fit”wants to make. In addition will focus on the ergonomic operation of the products in compliance with legal limits. Editorial medienburo.Sohn Ettighoffer Strasse 26 A 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 620 44 74 fax: 0228 620 44 75 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: Web: