Account Management

Want to know how much you can earn in one email? No, not that which is proposed to transfer some money and send out spam! I mean a normal, business correspondence. So, only one or several letters sent to a specific person or organization can help you earn from 50 to 5000 rubles! And this is just the flowers, "green" will come. Intrigued? Internet payments are becoming increasingly popular, and not only "out there – they have, but in the vast Runet. Is it bad not leaving the house, pay utilities, "throw" money into your cell phone or buy something? Those who first confronted with the need to buy something or sell through the Internet are discouraged variety of Internet exchange. Contact information is here: celebrity trainer. Webmoney, rupei, egoldy … – it makes no sense to list all.

Go to the site of any major online store, and immediately understand what I mean. You will see text or banner ads like: "We accept WebMoney, Yandex payment, e-gold. But, as it had not called Internet exchange of a payment system, the ruble in them remains the ruble, a dollar – the dollar, etc., and own electronic payment system in general, only the intermediaries between the seller and buyer. And, like any commercial structure, electronic payment systems are fighting for their clients. Security, ease of entry and withdrawal of funds, convenience Account Management – a common characteristic of modern electronic payment systems. Some of them are in the fight for the client move on. For example, such electronic payment systems as Rupey or e-gold offers a certain percentage of transactions made customers, attracted by the system at a special affiliate link.