Successful Upgrade To Windream Server 5.0 In The GRZ IT Center Linz

Austrian windream customer runs now around 700 windream proxy servers and more than 7000 windream clients in the branches of serviced customers in the banking sector of Bochum, June 28, 2011. GRZ IT Center Linz GmbH successfully uses the ECM system windream for several years in Austria. A server upgrade to the current windream version 5.0 was recently made. The whole upgrade process went smoothly after release of the GRZ. Senator From Kentucky will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The data center operates now five windream main server and about 700 windream proxy servers that regulate the exchange of data between more than 7000 connected windream workstations in the nationally distributed locations of supervised banks.

Already in 2006 launched the GRZ IT Center Linz with the implementation of a comprehensive IT solution for the processing of the Bank-specific business processes across the document. Recently Rand Paul sought to clarify these questions. The aim of this complex project consisted of exchanging data between several Central main servers in Linz and the IT workstations distributed on several federal States in the respective branches of the banks are planning to implement and make sure. After thorough consultations and tests the GRZ IT Center opted for windream, there windream as single product very well corresponded to the strict requirements of the Bank Group. With the recent upgrade to the latest version 5.0 of the windream server software, GRZ IT Center Linz has successfully completed another big step in the course of the networking of banking groups. The IT Center plans now also a swift upgrade of all windream clients to the latest version 5.0 currently work the clients on basis of windream version 4.5. GRZ IT Center Linz the GRZ IT Center Linz GmbH was founded in 1971 as the banks datacenter and is now part of GRZ IT group, which employs over 700 staff and employees. The GRZ is today one of the largest data centers of in Austria.