
Features of shape is mainly determined by genes of ancient genetic program determines the locations where and how much will accumulate excess body fat in our body. "One look at the genome man enough to say with certainty how much it full and where there are fat "- sums up the director of research at Harvard Medical School Ronald Kahn. Its conclusions, genetic program determines the shape of the body and is responsible for the weight. This genetic program is rooted in the distant past. It does not matter, it is about a mouse or a man: information about how thick is the individual, laid still in the embryonic level.

Even the "shape" the fruit fly genes are determined. Programmed to be complete on this pattern, scientists encountered when they began to investigate the adipose tissue of mice in the presence of propensity to be overweight. Was allocated at least 12 genes affecting various sites of fat accumulation. Another three genes are apparently a decisive role in the presence of the propensity to be overweight. "Contribution of genes in distribution of fat mass is estimated as 50 to 60 percent "- explains study co-author, Matthias Blume of the University of Leipzig, during a conversation with focus Online. As part of the experiments on mice were carried out tests on insidious presence of genes in 200 individuals – as the normal constitution, and are overweight. The studies took into account both subcutaneous and internal fat. Results were not long in coming.

"The differences are so obvious that we were able to conclude that body mass index and the ratio between waist and hips, "- says a study co-author Stephanie Hastie. Not only overweight by itself, but also the distribution of fat in body signals about how great the risk of time to get diabetes and cardio-vascular system. New starting points for therapy "Our findings help explain how there overweight "- says Leipzig researcher Matthias Blume. With the new knowledge in this field of science gets a new starting point in the treatment of obesity. And this is the case with many: from 60 to 70% of the population have such genetic profile that contributes to the completeness ", – says the researcher. But while doctors can with medication outwit fat gene, it may take a long time. It remains the only way to effectively adjust its shape – combining a balanced caloric meals and motor load. The results of the study can be found in the online magazine for professionals Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.