Gallegos Nava

The holistic education is education that humanity needs, take it out requires a great effort to convert educational institutions in learning communities for which this vision of integrality, spirituality and brotherhood can be applied. According to the work of Dr. Gallegos Nava 3, the holistic education can be defined in the following manner: holistic education is a pedagogy of universal love, a process to form integral human beings, a conduit to nurture the best of the human spirit. Holistic education is a practice integral to the transformation of consciousness, a way of direct experience of own subjectivity that allows us to awaken to the knowledge of our true spiritual nature. Holistic education is a multidimensional vision, multilevel and multicuadrante build a great synthesis of human knowledge, science-oriented and the spirituality. Holistic education aims to promote compassionate human beings who live in the flame of universal love with cross-cultural universal values and are interested in the welfare of all beings. Holistic education nurtures the intelligence, certainty, inner peace, generosity, fairness, compassion, spirituality, universal love, creativity, happiness, fraternity, Concord, patience, responsibility, etc. The evolution of consciousness it is intended to make possible the harmonious development of all the capabilities of the human being, aimed at the construction of a harmonious world and individual accomplishment.

In education holistic is the conduit for the evolution of consciousness, from an existential egocentric Stadium itself modern and postmodern cultures to a conscience holistic, own a transmodern culture. Holistic education is a construction of second grade, promoter of an integral and permanent, learning that considers the student in its entirety, as a being emotional, cognitive, aesthetic, social, physical and spiritual. In holistic education, epistemological pluralism allows us to recognize the fundamental relationship between being and knowing, considers that the reality has different levels of depth and that each one of these levels should be studied with bases espistemologicas different, complementary, congruent, articulated in a comprehensive model of knowledge.