Fight The Headache

The subconscious mind control learning power of his mind annoying headache just about push. Not only migraine patients probably yearn for this ability, which sounds more after a wishful thinking than to reality. Thanks to modern computer technology but is in fact from fiction to reality. As reported the private insurance portal, a new treatment for migraine headache is actually based on controlling the mind and the subconscious mind. The new process was tested in a study with 2000 participants, who for 16 years suffered for many years the average migraine. After thorough consultation, scientists joined the patients on sensors and cables to computer. Using sensory computing, the experts digitised the sensations of the subjects. So converting, for example, the response to stress in certain images and sounds.

While the patients followed the signals, they learned to control the reactions of your body on the basis of this information. So you allowed this approach to control, for example, the degree of narrowing the temporal artery responsible for the headaches. The pundits drew the conclusion that the intensity of the pain could not be alleviated. But duration and frequency. By treating the stabbing headaches by up to 40 percent occur less frequently. Also, the scientists found that increased control over their own bodies produced more positive effects. So the likelihood of panic attacks, anxiety, and depression decrease significantly if people felt helpless not used from the reactions of your body. More information:… Contact: Tilo Sommer University first media GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59