
Elidiane Melo When I considered myself to read the book, In the Presence of the Direction, did not make idea of what this reading could provide to me. In the first contact that I made with the diverse questions brought for the book, I enchanted the point of not wanting, at no moment, to interrupt the reading, it wanted more, it could not stop. Which the direction of the existence? How to exist? What to exist? They had been questions had instigated that me to reflect on the possibilities of sensible that the author wanted to question. The possibilities to exist are related with the capacity to dream and if to make use to this. When it is allowed to dream, if it allows to exist.

The art is the manifestation of the dreams of that it is sensible to listen to it in a sufficiently subjective and personal way. To perceive the art beyond the Real, logical and of ' ' mentira' ' it is to be open to true a more effective direction. The different artistic trams, works of art, make possible the people, if to communicate with this art that is speaks it of the proper man. The artist does not act as a coder of messages, but yes as one transmitter of passed messages it through one ' ' escuta' '. What in fact it happens is this communication of the artist with he himself, with the demand of the society, with what it emerges in it and the humanity. They are not only its projected contents in the art and yes the contents of all. The man is one constant to be able to be. This possibility, when perceived, allows the proper one to choose, to be open when remembering, dreaming. To dream is to imagine what it exists of more beautiful in itself.